Monday, September 23, 2024

South Jones Class of 1984 - My 40 year class reunion! 9-21-24

 How can it be 40 years???!! 40 years since we walked down those halls at South Jones with barely a care in the world.  We longed to get those diplomas and get out of high school as fast as we could.  We were ready to be adults and get on our own doing what we wanted .. when we wanted.... 😄  Little did we know that was NOT what was about to happen.  Yes, some of us may have done what we wanted and when we wanted... but I doubt it... or if they tried.. that didn't last long.. 😃  Being an adult is HARD.  As one of my classmates and I have said to each other over the years... NO ONE told us it would be this HARD.   We didn't realize how hard it would be to raise kids, go through a divorce, and lose love ones or be married to someone that loses both of their children.   Life is HARD as an adult.  We thought the adults had it made and we couldn't wait to get out from under our parents and graduate high school.  😆  MAN ... if we could just go back for a little while where we didn't have a care in the world! 

BUT We CAN'T.   Life moves on and it's rather FAST!  It does not feel like it's been 40 years.   Some of my classmates I have kind of kept up with over the years.  We either had kids close in age or we lived relatively close to each other and some we'd run into each other maybe in Walmart every blue moon.   However, that was only like a handful of classmates.  Most classmates I have not seen since high school.  You don't realize that when you are in high school that as soon as you graduate most of those people you will never see again.  It all depends on your life journey.   

I loved hearing several of my classmates journeys at the reunion.  Some took career paths that you didn't foresee, some had been married a few times, some were totally gray headed, some had no hair, some were almost the same, some had lost a child or a spouse and some were nothing like you'd expect.   We all have a different journey in life.  Heck, you could ask any of my classmates if I would be a runner and they'd all say no.  One even told the story a few times at the party about how he saw me swimming and he told the swim coach to get me out because I was going to drown. 😂  His kids grew up swimming and he was always at the pool.  I didn't swim until I was in my late 40s .. and it was NOT pretty.  I had to learn the proper way.  My classmate would have never thought I'd swim 2.4 miles and complete an ironman race after those first few times he saw me swim.  😁  and this classmate is also now a big PELOTON bike rider! Who would have thought??!!  not me! 😁 Looking forward to our next ride, Ronald Eason.   Another classmate said she'd like to run, but couldn't.  Said she never got that runner high.. 😂  She said people make it look easy and fun.. 😂  I assured her it's NOT all FUN! It's HARD.  yes, we do have some fun, but truly it's WORK to be a marathoner.  There was no one at the reunion that I could talk running with.....  I have to remind myself that only like .01% of people in this world run a marathon.  💜

You never know what road you may end up on in life.  I will say that out of the ones that showed up for our reunion (we had like 30 out of 159), what had not changed was their kindness.  Everyone greeted each other with a smile and a hug.  There were no judging looks or feelings.  Too bad high school ain't that way! We all LOVED on each other.  It was really awesome being there.  I'm glad I went.  and I look forward to a 50th!  let's just get a band that will actually play 80s music!! 😁

Here are a few pics from the night.  We were very lucky to have our reunion at George and Joe's restaurant / bar.. 320 Front Street.

me and Stoney's wife, Rhonda.  Our girls grew up together in cheer and gym competitions.  LOVE HER> 

Trying to get a group pic... 

Some of the girls.. Sherrye, Me, Marlana, Michelle, Tammy & Pam

Two bits, Six Bits.... all for the BRAVES stand up and holler!  us crazy cheerleaders.. 

Marlana, Joe, me and Sherrye

me and Cassandra

me and Joe

Ronald and me

Marlana, Sherrye & Shannon... Sherrye looking at our pics.. making us redo them.. ha

Stoney, me and Al

Sherrye, Stoney, me, Marlana, Al and Terri

Marlana, me, Shannon, Carol and Sherrye

me and Pam

me and Terri

me and the Bradshaws.. Melinda and Joey 

some of the decorations... Shannon did a good job with pictures! 

We missed Patty!

The band Zita from New Orleans that came and played for us.   They were EXTREMELY loud.. the young kids would have loved them.. hee hee  We were disappointed they only played like 3 songs from the 80s! 

Stoney still had his state baseball champ ring! We were good in baseball back then! 

me, Sherry, Shannon and Carol... Moselle girls! Friends since kindergarten!

And that's a wrap!  Great night.. great people~ 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor your legs 5K 9-2-24

 First 5K in a long time.  I almost didn’t go.  Some of our group was not planning on racing today, so I debated on just running at home and not driving to Hattiesburg.   I am so glad I did.   It was HOT and HUMID!  But what a great turnout they had and it was probably the most little kids I’ve seen running a 5K!  Talk about inspiration ❤️.  When they started awards they started with 0-9 years old age group for the 5K!  That's little kids running 3.1 miles!  How awesome is that!??  

I met up with Be and Jane at the start line.

 And then we were off.  I chased Jane and Be chased me 😂.    I think we all inspired each other to run harder than normal.   I wanted to try to get a sub 30 minutes since I had not done a 5K in a long time.   When I started all this long distance stuff, my pace has slowed way down.  I'm more of a social runner now. ha   But bam I did it... sub 30!   

Barely … but sub 30 minutes it was and I even walked 2X to catch my breath.  😂.   I saw Chris when I came in.  He’s always got a smile.  We had to take a selfie so I could send it to the girls that was not there.   
 It was finally time for awards.  I had hung around with Ronnie and Be visiting and waiting to see the fast people in my age group.   Sometimes you think getting older people will get slower and they get faster.  😜😁😂.  

Race shirts.  

My Award... this pottery is made at the ARC organization.  A wonderful organization in Hattiesburg that does wonderful things for disabled people.  

Be got 1st place and Ronnie for 3rd place.   So proud of that 70s age group!   They keep on moving!  I want to be them when I’m 70!! ❤️❤️❤️

Well that’s a wrap.  5K in the books. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Fall Creek Falls Half Marathon, TN 2024

 PPRF suckered me into another summer race...... or actually ... Candy suckered us all into the race. 😂  Several months ago she sent us a link and said let's do this race.  It's just a half marathon and we will get to see this amazing waterfall.  Everyone signed up and I held off until like a month prior and finally caved. 😁  I was like I'll be training anyway, why not go do this half with the girls.  I did not look at the map as to where this race was at because they had said it will be a weekend and no one was taking off work.  I assumed that meant close race.... Well...... I assumed wrong.  It was a 6 1/2 hour drive with no stops so by the time we stopped and had food and bathroom breaks... took us more like 7 1/2 hours. 😏  We took 2 vehicles because there were 8 of us coming from Mississippi to Tennessee.  Michelle had booked us a room at a bed & breakfast what would sleep 7.  Ronnie and Be stayed at the lodge in Fall Creek State park where the race was held.  

My driving peeps... Penny, Felicia, & Michelle

We stopped at Cracker Barrel and met the Freemans, Ann & Penny in Meridian to eat and travel on together following each other to TN

It was a long drive Saturday morning to get there.  Once we arrived we decided to hike to see the waterfall and stretch our legs.  We had hoped it would be cooler weather in TN, but it was HOT!  We didn't have to go far to reach the overlook to see the waterfall and we all stood there wondering what the heck...  Hardly any water was flowing! All the info we had read said it was one of the largest free flowing waterfalls in the south! As candy said, someone forgot to turn on the faucet!  Who knew we'd be having a drought in August. 😔  It was a disappoint for sure.  Susan who came from TN to meet us told us there was also a swinging bridge so we decided to hike to it.  It was supposed to be like less than a mile, but it seemed like forever hiking up and down in the woods and did I mention it was so HOT!  We were all soaked!  And I did not bring extra clothes since we were only going to be gone one night.  

The waterfall

Penny & I on the porch before we went on hike.

When we arrived.. checking out the bed & breakfast

We finally reached the LONG swinging bridge. 

The swinging bridge!

Ann is down at the bottom looking up taking pic of swinging bridge

Goofing off on our hike.

Ronnie telling everyone to come on across 

Looking down at the waterfall and wondering what the heck... 

Ms Ann says I can do it! 

 Let's just say it wasn't too bad when only one person was crossing, but when you got 4-5 on there at the same time and not walking in sync it was a SWINGING!  Candy and Susan refused to go across.  There was no way we were getting them to go across.  We even watched a man with a German Shepherd dog that laid down and refused to cross.  A few of us crossed the bridge and Felicia and I even went on down to where people were in the water enjoying the small stream.  I so wanted to take my shoes off and stay awhile, but the ones that would not cross were sitting at the top waiting on us.  Ann made it down also and snapped a picture of 3 of us on the bridge.  

By the time we got back to our vehicles it was time for packet pickup and supper!  Many of us did not have change of clothes so we went to a small pizza place and had a quick dinner in our sweaty clothes.  Which the town was VERY SMALL.  There was hardly any eating places unless you drove like 45 minutes... so the small pizza place was basically our only option.  By the time we got back to the bed & breakfast we were all ready for a hot shower.... but we had one bathroom to 7 of us women.... We had one queen bed, a couch bed, an air mattress and one double bed.   As Feleica and I said...we can do anything for one night. 😁😂😁   We took turns taking our showers and hit the hay.  

Ann & I in one bed

Candy & Feleica on couch bed 

Michelle on air mattress, Susan and Penny in bed 

Race morning... let's get this party started! 
4:45 am came early the next morning to get ready for the race and head over to the state park.  Race started at 7am.  Our Bed & Breakfast was only a couple of miles so that worked out good because we were able to come back after the half marathon and take a shower before driving that long drive home.  I'm so glad for that because we would not have wanted to smell each other on the ride home! 😂😁

The race....  Let's just say it's one of those one and done races.  I doubt we will go back to do it again.  The State park is really nice, but the run was tough and HOT.   It was basically a trail run, but on a paved trail through the woods.  Only a couple of miles were on the park road.  The trail had LOTS of bumps where tree roots had busted up the concrete so you had to watch your FOOTING at all times!  I am still shocked none of us face planted! and I'm so thankful we did not!  🙏  It was a 2 loop course so we had to do it 2X and there was only 1 porta potty on the whole course!  AND>>>>  when Penny, Micelle and Felicia finished they had run out of half marathon medals and gave them a left over medal from the Triathlon they had the day before!  They only had waters at the finish line.  No food!  AND when they called me and Ms Be up for awards, the mug we were given had "triathlon" on it!  Someone asked the guy and all he said was he didn't realize all the awards he ordered had Triathlon on them!  Now how do you not see that when the awards come in??!  So.... we probably won't be doing that race again....  Just saying.. 😏😑

The start of the half marathon

coming across the dam before heading into the woods on the trail... (race photo)

The whole gang!

I got 2nd place in my age group.  A girl from TN beat me.  I guess she had run them hills before. 😁  I was just thankful to finish with no injuries. 🙏

I did have a fabulous time with my friends.  We even enjoyed several minutes sitting on the front porch of the Bed & Breakfast before heading home.  We all sat there wishing we were all back in Mississippi sitting on one of our own front porches visiting with each other instead of about to tackle a long drive home.   I was so glad when I got home around 9pm!  Too bad the weekend was over and off to bed and back to work.   It was a quick weekend for sure! 

Porch sitting before traveling home. 

Did I mention some of the signs said strenuous hikes?  Well, after we got home we heard a father and son had fallen Sunday afternoon on one of the trails and it took rescue workers 2 1/2 hours to rescue them.  I'm so happy they were not hurt badly and that we didn't have any accidents while we were there.  Oh and someone I go to church with said he was there at the park earlier in the year and that the waterfall was amazing!  I guess we were just there at the wrong time of year.  

I thank God for another run finished and for watching over us as we traveled. 🙏  Looking forward to Detroit in October! 

South Jones Class of 1984 - My 40 year class reunion! 9-21-24

  How can it be 40 years???!! 40 years since we walked down those halls at South Jones with barely a care in the world.  We longed to get th...