Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another weekend in the books......

Does the weekend really have to end? It went by way to fast.  It was however a good weekend! Had a great 12 mile run on Saturday morning with several teammates and then a 30 mile bike ride this afternoon with friends.  I think I'll sleep good tonight. 

Team Run4TheKids have begun training for Memphis in December.  Around half the team is doing the full marathon and the other half doing the half marathon.  My training is a month ahead of them due to New York marathon, but several of the teammates from last year are up to speed where I'm at on long runs so we are able to do them together.  Some in the group never stop running so they are ready at anytime for a long run. :>)  Running with a group makes a long run so much easier.  We take it easy and talk.  Some of us only see each other this 1X a week so we catch up on what's going on in each others lives.  I can honestly say running 12 miles alone is a boring task, but with friends it's easy.  You forget how long you've been running cause you are caught up in the conversation with each other.  If you ever want to train for a marathon, find a friend to do it with is my #1 suggestion. 

We like to capture a picture after our run to document our training.  Usually after the marathon in Memphis I try to put together a video of the team showing all the training runs, etc.  I hate we didn't take one before Sunshine left! She did 4 miles with us.  She's had a rough time with the death of a friend so her running has taken a backseat.  I was so happy to see her Saturday! I know she'll be back in the swing of things very soon.  

After the run, I went home and took a cold shower.  Seems that is all I do these days.  It's been so very hot this summer.  Then after a shower to get all the funk off me, I headed out to pool with a book that I had just started.  Well, the book was so good that I finished it! I read till my eyes were hurting which gave me a bad headache but I couldn't put the book down.  You should check out the Angel walking series by Karen Kingsbury.  Very good!  

Needless to say that Saturday I never made it to grocery store! So Sunday morning I was up and off to the store.  I had planned on getting back in time to get ready for church, but that didn't happen.  I probably could have made it like 15 minutes late, but hate to walk in that late so I skipped.  I feel really bad when I do this because I enjoy church so much.  So I sat out on my screen porch and read my bible and did my devotion.   It was a nice morning.  Not too bad humid till mid morning and then the heat was full force again. UGH>>>>

I had a bike ride planned for 4pm with some friends so I told my husband I was going to run to town first and look for some "work" clothes.  I HATE shopping with a passion!  I have never been one of those girls that loves to go walk around the mall and look to see the styles, etc.  I could not tell you what is in style and what is not. LOL  Most of my dress pants are 15 or more years old.  I only go to town when I absolutely need something like bras or panties.  I know some of you women are thinking I'm crazy but I just hate to shop.  Maybe if I had tons of money I would enjoy it.  Anyway, my goal was to look for dress pants for work and NO run, bike or swim stuff!  See that's my problem.... I always end up in the sports section if I go and buy more workout stuff.  If you walked in my closet you would freak out probably with all the crap I have to workout in.  I guess some girls have a shoe fetish and some have a workout fetish.  Anyway, I did find some clothes.  And now I'm sitting here fretting over what I spent on them!  Clothes are not cheap!! What's funny is if I had spent $200 on running stuff I wouldn't bat an eye... but work clothes and I'm freaking out.  Maybe it's cause now I know I can't buy no workout stuff this month cause I've spent my budget on personal things. 

Well after I spent that money I was ready for a good bike ride.  I quickly stopped at the Keith's store close to the trace and changed clothes and was off to meet my friends.  It was a blazing 95 degrees at 3:45pm!  But once we got on our bikes and off the wind in my face felt great.  We passed a couple guys biking not long after we started and Brett Farve was one of the bikers.  He's retired and lives in Hattiesburg.  He and his wife have both done TRIs.  They say she's a real beast.  I've not meet them at a TRI, but I have some friends that have seen them.  I smiled and waved and he smiled back and nodded his head.  I wanted to yell "stop... I need a quick picture".. but I didn't.  I'm sure he gets enough of that.  

By mile 5 my thighs started letting me know I had ran 12 miles yesterday, but I was determined to not  give in to that feeling.  So I pushed on.  It was fun with Mel and Frank cause from time to time she would zoom by me and then I'd zoom by her.  We did that for a little while and then I was way ahead of them.  At first I thought something had happened so I slowed down and let them catch up.  She said she was tired from pulling up carpet and stuff yesterday so I didn't give her too much of a hard time.  Especially cause if I do...she'll kill me in spin class! She's the teacher! 

We had a great 30 mile ride.  There was a tree down on the trace that we weren't expecting.  I tried to ride thru it by ducking but it hit me anyway.  My shoulder is scrapped on one side.   I was taller than I thought being on the bike to fit under the hole.  Frank & Mel got off and walked their bikes under so I did that on the way back.  We meet another biker riding that is training for an ironman.  He said he rode with my friends Jenn and Bubba recently.  He had rode 74 miles on Saturday so He said he was taking it easy today.  I smoked him on the way back.  :>)  

Mel sent me this before our ride today.  I love it. 

What motivates you?  My friends motivates me! Remember.. Philippians 4:13... I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.  

Good Night! Time to head to bed and get a little shut eye so I can face Monday morning. 

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My 2024 Recap

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