Monday, September 7, 2015

Why raise money for St. Jude Children's Hospital?

I felt it fitting for me to write a blog note on why I raise money for St. Jude since the ladies group at my church has asked me to speak to them tomorrow night about just that.  I don't like to talk in front of a group of people really.  I get so nervous that I forget the "things" I want to say.  So maybe by writing this blog today, I'll be prepared tomorrow night.  :>)  

I'm not sure if there is a simple answer as to why I support St. Jude that would fit in one small sentence.  Let me first give you some background.  Maybe you know about St. Jude or maybe you know nothing.  For those that know much, please bare with me as I try to give a little history to those that don't.  

St. Jude was started in 1962 by Danny Thomas.  Click the link for a short video... History - St. Jude

I've visited this hospital and it's something you will never forget.  I was very lucky to get a tour in 2013. The St. Jude Statue standing out front is huge.  The hospital is simply amazing, especially the wall of the ABCs of cancer written by patients.  

Back in 2013 when I originally signed up for the St. Jude Marathon, it was basically another race to add to my bucket list.  However, I did sign up as a hero with a goal of $500 and ended up raising slightly over $5,000!  But It wasn't until the pasta dinner the night before the race that it all really hit me.  I remembered growing up as a child and seeing St. Jude fundraisers on TV where they were asking people to call in and give a donation.  But I never really understood why they were so determined to get those donations.  Well, sitting there at the pasta dinner they had a family of a St. Jude patient stand up and speak to us.  Literally while the family spoke, I got chills.  My heart broke for them.  But deep down I started to feel this fire burning within me.  I was there with a friend. She was doing the half marathon.  I told her that night that I would be back with a team.  It was like God was speaking directly to me telling me this is what I needed to do.  I can't explain the feeling.  It was just a feeling that I couldn't push aside.  I honestly didn't know if I would be able to get 5 other runners to join me.  However, to my surprise last year I had 23 runners join my team.  When God wants to show out... he certainly will! :>)  This year we have 41 team members! As of today we've raised over $27,000.  We hope to reach $30,000.

 But that's enough about Team Run4TheKids for now.  Let's talk about St. Jude Children's Hospital.  

Did you know that September is Childhood cancer awareness month?  So this is a perfect topic!  St. Jude is a "RESEARCH" Hospital.  It cost around $2 million dollars a day to operate the hospital and 75% of that comes from public donations!  Is that not awesome?  

Because of their research they have significantly improved the survival rate from 20% in 1962 to 80%. :>)  

One of the most common cancers is (ALL) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  With St. Jude's research the survival rate for ALL has increased from 4% to 94%!  After signing up for the marathon and raising money for St. Jude it was brought to my attention that a local football coach in my home town has a niece with ALL.  I soon got to know this family.  Baby Elizabeth has been undergoing treatments for almost 2 years.  

She's showing her Gold in support of St. Jude! I can't imagine taking my child once a week for chemo treatments. That's one of the reasons that donations are so very important.  Danny Thomas felt that no family should be burdened with hospital / treatment bills during such a hard time in their life.  That is why no family from St. Jude ever receives a bill!  You may think that insurance covers most of the cost.  Well, guess again.  Insurance only covers around 15% of the cost.  Maybe you know a child there, maybe you don’t.  Hopefully your family will never need services from St. Jude, but if by chance they do, team Run4TheKids has your back! St. Jude never sends out a bill for their services! FREE HEALTHCARE! Did you hear me? Families never receive a bill! WOW! 

I've been asked recently why I don't just raise money for Blair E. Batson a local children's hospital.  Well, I do actually.  I donate to Blair E. Batson also.  Yes, my run team has not had a fundraiser for them like we have St. Jude, but you have to remember that St. Jude is a "Research" hospital.  They share their discoveries around the world helping children at all hospitals.  So by supporting St. Jude we are helping kids at Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital and other hospitals.  I will say that I do want my team to come up with something specific we can do For Blair E. Batson since they are local.  

I believe God says we should help others in need.  Scripture also tells us in Hebrews 3:13 to "encourage one another daily" and in Galatians 6:2 to help "carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  

St. Jude provides parties, decorations, cakes and more to keep spirits high during the holidays and to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and a child's completion of chemotherapy treatment. Check out the the link.

I have a goal this year of $2,500 and I hope you’ll help me accomplish that goal.  It doesn’t matter if it’s $1, $5, $20, or $100!  Every dime counts and every dollar I raise goes straight to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.  As I mentioned earlier 75% of the donations they receive goes strictly to the families! Not to overhead like some charities. 
I’m a firm believer that hope changes everything.  Please join me in giving these children hope!

Team Run4TheKids with a patient from St. Jude in the middle. :>) 

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