Thursday, May 19, 2016

The distance between dreams & reality is action!

Last night I was beating myself up for going home after work and chilling.
Why do we do that? Are we crazy? Some may think so.  If you're not a runner, biker, etc., you may be thinking I really am crazy. Most of us do it.  We beat ourselves up when we rest. We feel we should be doing something 24/7 or we are lazy.
I had swam yesterday morning so it wasn't like I had a complete down day.  But here lately most days I do something in the morning before work and another activity after work. TRI training is so much more involved than marathon training.  It's hard to fit in 3 days running, 3 days swimming & 3 days biking because there aren't 9 days in a week, so you have to double up.  Yep, you non-runners reading this now really are thinking she really is cray cray. Hee Hee 

Swim Practice May, 2015
The truth is that most of us have dreams and you know what the distance between those dreams and reality is??? ACTION  You can sit and dream all you like, but those dreams will never become reality if you don't take action.  My timehop app on my phone was flashing that I had "new items" so I clicked on it to see what happened in the past. If you aren't familiar with the app it will show you pictures you've taken the same day / month from 1, 2, 3... years ago. It reminds you what you were doing back then. It was so what I needed to remind myself where I've been and where I'm at now.  The picture was a picture from the pool with a heading stating that I was getting ready for the Sunfish TRI in July last year.  Let me just say that my swimming has come a LONG way since then!  

I remember when I could barely swim down the lane, stop at the wall and breath for 30 seconds to 1 minute before swimming back down the lane.  Now I can swim 35-40 laps (down & back) without stopping.  Talk about improvement!  
"EGGS - ERCISE"... had to have since I work for a chicken company.. hee hee

This past week instead of swimming laps, I swam in a rectangle around the pool without stopping for several laps.  We don't really have a good place to practice open water swim in my home town.  I don't live at the beach and there just aren't that many lakes in Laurel, Ms.  So you do what you got to do to prepare yourself for open water.  It was a good workout.  I swam a 1/2 mile before I stopped and rested a few seconds and then continued on.  It was much different than swimming down the lane and pushing off to turn around to go back down the lane.  I have a TRI in 15 days that is longer than a sprint distance TRI and I need all the practice I can get in the pool.  I won't be racing it really.  I'm treating every small TRI leading up the HIM (half ironman) in September as a practice run to prepare me for the much longer distance.
Recently me and my cousin went to the pool and filmed each other.  I wanted to see what I looked like in the water.  You may think you can swim, but when you get a good look at yourself you see so many things that need to improve. :>) 

Here's the link to the video clip I made:

And the reason I can swim better now is because I put my dream into action.  Instead of stopping my swim practice after Sunfish last year, I continued on. I even increased my swim from 2 days to 3 days a week.  It's hard to get up every morning anywhere from 4:30 am - 5 am to go do a workout especially on the days when you know you'll be working out AGAIN at 5:30 pm.  

But HARD work pays off.  Oh and I still have a long ways to go to improve my swimming skills to be more efficient in the water.  

So did I need rest last night.  Yes'em, and that doesn't mean I won't beat myself up again in the future on a rest night.  I just have to remind myself of all the hours that I am putting in training and it's okay to rest.  

And for those that have dreams.... put them in ACTION.  

I have people all the time they tell me that they wish they could do this or that, but they can't find time.  You don't find time... you MAKE time. :>)
It takes a lot of determination and willpower to make something happen.  Maybe you have to give up that extra hour of sleep in the morning or give up that hour of TV watching to make that time to work on those dreams. Just remember dreams don't happen over night.  The people that truly succeed in running that marathon or completing that TRI really put hours upon hours of time into training.  There's a saying that when you finish a marathon you are now in the 1% because only 1% of the people will actually complete a marathon.  

It takes tons of guts, fortitude and determination to make those dreams a reality.  

So what ya waiting for?

Happy Training! D


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