Sunday, June 5, 2016

Heat Wave Classic Triathlon 6-4-16

Whew where do I begin? First let me say this is a new “type” TRI for me in that it was a longer distance TRI.  I’ve done several sprint distance TRIs since 2011 when my good buddy Serina talked me into one.  #serinamademedoit …. Yes, there is a hash tag for her and if you search it, you’ll come up with several pictures with the tag. :>)  There are several of us that are her victims. It’s her personality. 
Jennifer, Kathy, Katherine,Serina, & Me before the race

So back to the TRI…  I tried to not focus on the race before hand in hopes I wouldn’t get too nervous.  I didn’t even talk it up on Facebook all week.  So unlike me. Ha   I had planned to not do anything on Thursday or Friday before the race but I went to the pool on Thursday and swam 900 yards without touching the sides of the pool at all (We can get out of the lanes and swim in a square without stopping) just to time myself and see how I felt.  Yes, I normally swim more yards than that (usually 1,200-2,000) and even do more than that from time to time without stopping, but Thursday I needed that reassurance that I could swim ½ mile (800 yards) with ease.  I don’t know why because I’ve done it so many times in the pool but I just needed it Thursday.  I swam 933 yards in 19:04.  I was very pleased and so very glad I went.  I was at peace and not nervous. 

Well that soon changed on Friday when Serina sent me a picture of a snake

in the lake that she saw when she went to pickup her race packet.  I had already planned to take my wetsuit and wear it.  I hoped the water might be wetsuit legal but if not I still planned to wear it.  I wanted to test out my sleeveless one and from all the literature I’ve read it takes 4-5 times swimming in your wet suit to really get the hang of how it makes you feel and how it can alter your stroke, etc.  Serina kept saying…. “what if you place in your age group because you won’t be eligible for awards if the water temp isn’t the right level for the wetsuit to be legal?”  I told her I didn’t care.  The race to me is all about practice for Augusta.  I wanted to practice in my wetsuit, test nutrition and bike shorts for comfort.  To me it was like a dress rehearsal preparing me for Augusta.  Yes, wetsuits can make “some” people faster.  Although there are many, many variables that play a role in the wetsuit like the quality, thickness, and even the type swimmer you are plays a role as to whether it makes you faster or not.  Wetsuits can range from $50-$1,200!  I have an average wetsuit that cost me $200.  So I certainly don’t have the best out there. The one thing the wetsuit does for me is gives me a sense of safety.  I feel that if a snake or alligator bite me that he would first have to bite the wetsuit and maybe it wouldn’t get to me or hurt me….LOL  I know, crazy right? (But in my head)  See while preparing for this Augusta ironman, I’m in a group on Facebook that is strictly about Augusta and every day they are posting pictures of ALIGATORS!  I told my friend that I’m not checking out the page as much as I did in the beginning because I don’t like seeing all the gator pictures. Ha!  The wetsuit also gives you more buoyance so it’s easier to tread water to catch your breath.  In general from most things I’ve read, a wetsuit can shave off 3-5 minutes for some swimmers compared to their times without one.  I’m not sure it shaved any for me because I swam the ½ mile (800 yards) in 20:31:06, which is slower than my 933 yards in the pool on Thursday.  The swim going out was tough.  The water was pretty chopping and it felt like I was on a small boat in the sea.  I felt like each time I took a stroke to go forward a wave would pull be back.  I was so happy when I reached the last buoy where it was time to turn and swim back to shore.  The swim in was much easier.  I was beyond thrilled that I never once got nervous or panicky in the swim.  I quoted scripture, counted strokes, and praised Jesus the whole time.  When I came out of the water I didn’t feel out of breath or wore out.  I was ready to hit the bike. 

I took my time in transition and dried my feet really good before slipping on my socks and bike shoes.  Once on the bike I headed out on the Natchez Trace.  I was so glad that it was overcast, however the wind was crazy strong.  The course was out and back.  There were several times that I felt the wind was going to literally take me down.  Several times I noticed I was gripping the handlebars pretty hard and I would remind myself to relax my shoulders.  My little bike computer kept going off and on so I never knew exactly what speed I was going.  (Reminder..get new batteryA couple of times I tried to turn my wrist to look at my watch, but the wind was so strong I was scared I was going to wreck so I decided I must be doing ok because I was staying up with some people that looked fast.  They had the real expensive bikes! I did eat some of my peanut butter cookies and a piece of my peanut butter sandwich when riding.  Yep...testing nutrition.  I need to know what works for me before Augusta race which is so much longer.  When I finished the bike leg and looked at my watch, I had averaged 18.3 mph.  Whoop Whoop.  Oh and I passed Serina on the bike when I was coming back in which really surprised me. We had to start the swim in race number order and my race number as 27 and hers was like 147 …. I was like WOW..She swam really fast cause she’s not too far behind me on the bike.  She amazes me! And my swim time was actually a tad faster than hers (a very little tad and I only mention it because she's a great swimmer and normally kicks my butt in the swim event).  Her transition time to the bike was shorter, which made it where we were able to pass on the bike route. :>)

I was feeling pretty good and saying to myself…this isn’t as bad as I had thought it was going to be.  Several people had told me to pace myself that the course was tough.  I was kind of wondering why they had said that up until mile 20 on the bike.  At that point my quads started to tire from peddling hard against the wind and trying to maintain a fast pace.   As I started the last leg of the TRI, which was the run, I was so tired.  My friend Kathy was taking pictures and she hollered to me, “only 6 more miles D”.  In my head I was saying 6 more miles. You are a runner.  This is what you do.  But my body was aching.  I was HOT and TIRED.  I was also hoping my knee wouldn’t hurt.  I believe that after my 100-mile bike ride, I aggravated my arthritis because my knee has been bothering me since then (maybe over use>>> ).  Serina told me I was not allowed to do any more big stuff before Augusta.  She said she’s going to kill me & Kathy if she ends up being the only one to make it to Augusta.  See WE talked HER into that race. Hee hee…. We got her back. :>) 

So my run was slow.  I walked off and on.  I counted the miles down wishing they would go by faster.   I was so ready to be done.  Around mile 2.5, my knee kicked in.  I almost wanted to cry.  Just as I was about to do just that two guys came running by me.  One of the guys was telling the other one how his whole body ached and he wanted to just walk.  His friend told him to focus on something else to get his mind off his pain.  And then he said one of my favorite quotes from Rocky… “It’s not how hard you can get hit, but it’s how hard you can get hit and get back up”.  Boy that was just what I needed.  I picked up my chin and told myself.. "who cares if you walk the rest of the way… you will finish and don’t hurt that knee worse to throw you out of running for weeks."  I’m not sure how I even managed a 10:36 pace overall for the 6.2 miles due to all my walking but I did. 

Someone had asked me how long I thought it would take me to do the race and I jokingly said maybe 3 hours.  I honestly hadn’t even tried to calculate a goal time.  I just wanted to complete all 3 events.  I was so shocked when I looked at the clock and my total time was 3:02:40! Whoop Whoop… I was so excited!  However, as soon as I got to where Kathy was standing I told her.. “WE’VE GOT TO DO DOULE THAT IN SEPTEMBER!”  She just laughed and said but look at your time.. You’ll be good on the time limit for Augusta Ironman.  I sure hope so! The time limit is 8:30 (I believe. Need to check that) Oh and I waited around for awards just to see what the time was for the women in my age group that placed and there was no way I would have placed without a wetsuit. ha  My age group was 50-54 and the top 3 women that placed did the race in 2:35 -2:45.. WOW.. talk about some fast old ladies.. hee hee 
At finish line..we took these real quick before Jennifer had to leave..she was doing another race in NOLA later that afternoon! She's a BEAST! 

So Serina, Jennifer & Katherine all finished the race too! I’m real proud of Katherine and she should really kill Kathy.. hee hee.. Talk about someone that one weekend does a “try it on” distance, which is shorter than a sprint distance and the very next weekend jumps to an almost Olympic distance! All of us have done several sprint TRIs before attempting the longer distance.  I’m not sure why the organization doesn’t change the swim to a mile because the bike and run are the distance to meet the Olympic distance requirements.  Kathy did only the swim due to her broke foot and she kicked that swim in the butt.  Super proud of her! She had a little panic the last time we raced in open water, but not this time.  She did great. 

I LOVED our swag bag! 
A cute shirt, a laundry bag, sunshades strap, phone charger and bike lights.  So that’s a wrap.  I also heard them saying during awards that this year was cooler for the race due to the overcast so I can’t imagine doing the race when it’s hotter..ha  It was tough but just what I needed for practice. 
The timers results... slightly different than my watch for swim & bike, but still a 3:02 overall time! And I wasn't the only one is a wetsuit...ha  Actually there was a lady also but I guess when they posted these times on the board she was not in yet.  They kept updating them as people came in and crossed the finish line.

Here's a few pics Kathy took.  Remember.... you CAN DO ANYTHING! :>)  Love, D

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