Monday, January 29, 2018

Half Marathon #33 - Miss Blues 1-27-18

Half marathon #33 is in the books!  Just 6 weeks post bladder surgery.  It wasn't pretty and it wasn't close to my normal half race time, but it still was 13.1 miles for a finish and another half in the books.  
The Blues is usually earlier in the January and the race has been known to have some bad luck with weather.  It is either freezing or raining.  Last year the race was canceled due to a winter storm that brought in sleet and ice.  The conditions were just too bad to host a race.  This year they moved the race to the last weekend of January and guess what.... RAIN... and a boat load of it!  I think this is the first ever race I've done where it literally rained from the start to the finish!  I'm glad I wasn't trying for  a PR.  Although we saw several MARATHON winners pass us between miles 10-13...  Yep they were finishing 26.2 miles faster than I was finishing 13.1 miles!  Talk about BEAST.

Just being 6 weeks after my surgery, I had asked my doctor if I could walk the half.  He said yes so that was my plan.  I would walk the half with a little jogging added in.  I was happy to meet up with a teammate who also planned to jog/walk the half and we ended up staying together the entire race.  It sure made the time go by faster and I enjoyed the company.  I had my cell phone in a zip lock bag to keep it from getting wet and had not taken it out due to the rain to take the normal pictures I would have taken at the race.  Heck I didn't even take a picture at the start!  Kathy got one of us at the start line, but not sure it came out.  I haven't seen it yet.  She didn't keep her phone out for us to check it out because it was RAINING and the buzzer was going off to start the race.  At mile 12 I told Katherine we needed to grab a picture real quick while the rain was somewhat slacked off.  So here's my only picture I took on race day.

Proof we were out there.. ha  

I have never been so wet in my life!!! And I've never worn a rain jacket an entire race either!  One time during the race, Katherine bent over to pick up something off the ground and her jacket hat had been collecting water and it dumped out all over her head and shoulders.  It was like something you'd see in a movie.  LOL  We were both ready to get to the finish line and get them wet clothes off!
We didn't even take a picture at the finish nor even go to see what type food they had at the finish line.  Usually you can see the after race party area full with people eating and showing off their medals.  The after race area was empty.  No one was hanging around.  I think everyone did what we did and go directly to their cars and try to get their wet clothes off and get some where dry and warm.

I did take pictures of my medal once I got home and I also compared it to a past blues medal.... take a look at the size...

Not near as big as one I've gotten before, but still a cute guitar.  I believe this is the 5th time I've done the Blues.  Maybe next year I'll skip it since the weather always seems to put a damper on the race.  Maybe that's why they call it the BLUES... ha  I certainly had the blues while doing 13.1 miles in that nasty rain.  The crazy things we do for a t-shirt and little medal.  :>)   They do say runners are CRAZY.  

I'm glad it's done and now that I'm 6 weeks post surgery, I can start adding more running into my training and hopefully build back up to where I was at several months ago.  

later, D

"Jesus waits on the porch.  He stands on the threshold.  He taps.... and calls.  He waits for you to open the door.  To pray is to open it. "  Max Lucado before AMEN


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Life is a beautiful ride...... NEW BIKE

Remember how little kids are so excited when they get a new bike for Christmas?  They beg and beg to ride no mater the weather outside.  Or they may ride inside especially if they are little.  Doesn't matter if they have those training wheels on them or not.  All they can think about is that they want to ride.  Then the first time they sail off without those training wheels it's magical.  

I don't remember riding a bike much as a kid.  I'm sure I had one or shared one with my sister (we shared many things back in the day). 

 One of my running friends talked me into doing a sprint TRI back in 2011.  I was so nervous.  I borrowed a bike from a friend who had one he was trying to sell.  Boy it was fast.  However, he was asking $5,000 for it.  It was a really nice bike.  But I was not ready to put that kind of money into a bike.  I've seen many times over the years where people buy all this exercise equipment and then it collects dust at their house.  Like my dad's treadmill.  LOL  I don't think it's been used in over 10 years or so.  So my first bike I ever owned as an adult was a used Schwinn my husband got for my birthday in July, 2011 right after Sunfish.  I didn't want to continue using my friends because I was scared I'd mess something up and then have to buy it from him.  We only paid like $400 for my used bike.  Here's a few pictures: 

It rode smooth.  However, it's an aluminum bike and it's not light.  Very heavy.  I probably rode it for a year or two and then another friend told me about a girl selling her used Trek bike.  Luckily she was in my spin class so we worked out a deal and I bought her Trek.  Sonya has also bought her used so that kind of tells you how old she was when I got her.  I think she's a 2007 or 2008 model.  Once again I wasn't ready to put a ton of money into a new bike just yet.  She was getting a new all carbon bike.  Those things are LIGHT!  Anyway, I loved her bike.  I've put many, many miles on Dixie (that's what I named the Trek bike).  I've rode several bike rides on her including my first ever 100 miler, metric century 62.5, 50 miler, and 2 half ironman distances 56 miles on her not to count all the training miles.  She's been a good bike.  Here are a few pictures:

Frank showing me how to put air in the tires properly not long after I got her.  I believe this was taken at Sunfish TRI in 2015.  I added aero bars to her & clip in pedals when I started riding longer distances.  I loved the clip in pedals so much.  I don't know what took me so long to switch over from the baskets to them!  
My sweatshirt is kind of covering the bars.  This is one of my fav pictures from a ride on the coast with my friends Krista & Meloyde.  

So it's 2018 and I took Dixie in to the new bike shop in town to get her serviced up for a new year.  In the back of my mind I wanted to also price new bikes, but I wasn't going to get overly excited because I was thinking It was going to be $5,000 and I sure wasn't going to pay that.  LOL   Let me say that you can buy speed... you can buy all sorts of things and types of bikes to make you fast and the faster you want to go the more the bike will cost usually....  For me I wanted to look at new road bikes that were all carbon and compare to my Dixie.  

Let me first say that Perfect Endurance Bikes owned by Jed and Deb are amazing!  

Not only is he extremely knowledgeable ... he is a coach!  He coaches a girl that holds a record for time trial.  She's FAST! and he also holds a record himself.  

 He was riding the morning I went and I first talked to Deb.  She showed me new road bikes and told me all about them and how much a difference I would notice compared to my Trek.  I told her I also wanted to get my Trek serviced.  I knew the gears were slipping some and it hadn't had a tune up in over a year.  As I was getting it and she was putting it up on the trainer to take a look, Jed came back from his ride.  He has all kinds of racers that come from all over and they ride and he coaches them.  Anyway, they noticed my ironman sticker and asked If I had done an ironman.  I told them I had done a half ironman.  He asked if I did it on the Trek.  I told him yes and that I had done my 100 mile bike ride on the Trek.  He just smiled and said that I would be faster on a TT bike.  I had no idea what he was talking about.  I told him that I had also considered looking at TRI bikes along with road bikes and that's when he told me TRI bikes are really TT bikes.  The TT stands for time trial.  The reason they are called that is because of their aero design that makes you go much faster and people do time trials on them. by now they are getting me all pumped up on looking at new bikes... hee hee   He did say that my Dixie needed a new chain and the gears were slipping and he would fix all that for me, but he wanted to show me a Cervelo TT bike.  Let's just say I feel in love.  She's so sleek.  The price wasn't near as bad as I thought either with just made it sweeter.  Gary says I've been acting like I got a royal royce. ha!  Of course they didn't have my exact size so she had to be ordered.  I was now like that kid waiting on Christmas!  

Once she came in they called and I had to go let him fit me to the bike.  He took his time and adjusted and adjusted until everything felt great.  He also talked a lot about biking riding and gave me several tips.  I just hope I can remember them once I get on the bike.  The weather has been so nasty here that I haven't ridden yet.  Plus I'm still recovering from my bladder surgery and the doc had told me not to ride hard till 6 weeks post surgery.  I'm only 4 weeks post.  

Here's some pictures of her.

On the trainer at the shop getting all fixed up for me. 

 Deb took picture of me before leaving shop with her.  Right now until I get use to her the seat isn't very high.. but he said most people once they get use to a TT bike they put their seat up higher so that you are in more of a aero position to go even faster.  Now that I'll have to wait on until I get use to this first... :<>)

 Loaded on car and ready to go home. 

She's inside! Too scared to leave her hanging on carport.. ha  I've never had a NEW bike.  Sooooooooo EXCITED.  I'm glad I waited to prove to myself that I do LOVE to ride before spending money on a new bike.  I think I'll appreciate her that much more.  Not sure if I'll sale my Trek or keep her for rainy days or put her on a trainer inside to ride on cold/rainy days.  Since I just had her all tuned up, I'm not ready to get rid of her just yet.  Not till I test this new bike out good.  And many people say to keep your road bike for when you want to give your TT bike a break.  

 This is so TRUE!

  Can't wait to do a couple bike rides I have coming up with friends on my new bike.  I've got to give her name.  Think I'll ride her first and see how she does and that will determine her name. :>) 

If you haven't rode a bike lately...... you should try it.  It's amazing! well, except when you going up a steep hill...those clip on pedals really help then.  Can't wait to see my friend Krista ride with her new clip on pedals. 

Happy Riding! D

Friday, January 5, 2018

2018 Goals........

Wow... can you believe it is already 2018!!! Seems the older I get the faster time goes by!  

I was just sitting here thinking about my goals for 2018.  I've yet to write any down.  This is unusual for me!  I like to write them down and at least tell them to someone so they become real.  It kind of holds me accountable.  

I'll still just not sure what I want to accomplish this year in the exercise realm of things.  Last year I knew I wanted to complete the Dopey Challenge, several half marathons, a couple duathlons, and a couple triathlons.  Matter of fact looking back....  I completed the following in 2017:

 9 half marathons (1 half was in dopey challenge)
1 marathon (in the dopey challenge)
1 20K
2 10k
2 duathlons
3 sprint TRIs
Metric Century bike ride (62.5 miles)
1 almost Half Ironman (swim canceled).. so 69.1 instead of 70.3

I did a lot! LOL  Maybe that's why my bursitis kicked up so much. hee hee  But I had so much FUN!  It really was a FUN year at the races.  I didn't run any of them hard.  I ran with so many friends and we just talked and laughed as we completed each race. There was no stress on time.  I really enjoyed that part. 

 One thing I do want to focus more on this year is my YOGA practice.  I started last year during my bursitis and noticed that it really made me feel better and I enjoyed getting in touch with my body.  The breathing helps you relax and it also helps stretch and strengthen your muscles.  I went to a 70 minute hip opener class once a week for a couple of months.  I LOVED the class.  Then we had 2 deaths in our family and everything has kind of fallen apart.  My goal is to get back on track with YOGA and a workout plan.  I can start back running in 2 weeks and boy I'm looking forward to that.  

I have to tell myself this every day! We are so busy in our every day lives, but it's so important for your health to make that time.  If we wait till we find time, it won't happen.... and I'm saying this to myself. :>) 

As of right now, I've signed up for 1 half marathon, 1 full marathon (Hawaii.... YIPPIE), and a 100 mile bike ride.  I'm debating some other races.  I've gotten to where I want to do new races that I haven't done but to do that you almost have to go out of town.  Not many marathons within 30 miles of where I live. ha!  With Hawaii this year, I've got to limit those out of town races where it adds up in expenses.  Both my kids have moved out (complete empty nest!) and there are some renovations I want to do at my house...... there goes some race money.. hee hee  

What I really hope to accomplish in 2018 is to be a better person.  I want to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister-in-law, daughter, etc.  I want to spread LOVE and I want God's light to shine through me in all that I do.  I fall short in this often.  I tend to get discouraged or aggravated at times and do or say things I shouldn't and then regret them big time.  I want to be more like my stepson who recently passed.  He was always kind.  All the people that knew him tell me they never heard him say a cross word.  He was so easy going.  I hope this also rubs off on his dad.  Gary is so short tempered.  I know we don't know God's reasons for things, but there is always a positive.  May we all share LOVE in 2018. 



My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...