Monday, March 26, 2018

Flora-Bama Beach Run for American Warriors - Half Marathon #34

What do you do if you have a 12 mile long run on schedule????  You find a half marathon because running with friends or others at a race is way more fun than running a long run alone. :>) Several of my Hattiesburg running peeps had told me they had done this race in the past and what a wonderful race it was because the money raised goes to military families.  So I decided if any of them were doing the race that I would join them.  A couple of us talked off and on for 2-3 weeks about going.  We were all watching the weather because every weekend we've had rain.  We didn't want to drive 2 1/2 hours to run in the rain.  The week before the race a couple of them found out it was going to be opening weekend for softball and baseball.  They have kids that play so that meant no going out of town for them.  It ended up only being me and Candy that could go.  We are 2 of the oldest... our kids are grown and gone.  That's one good thing about being in this "season" of life..... I don't have to plan my runs around kids activities.   

Candy warned me ahead of time ... she said... "this is going to be tough but fun"...   She had done the race before with the PPRF group (peer pressure running friends).  I kind of figured it was going to be tough because the whole 13.1 miles is on the BEACH.  Just thinking about how tough it can be walking in the sand during the summer told me to get prepared.  Candy and I were able to leave on Friday afternoon and stay at a friends condo that was 1/2 mile from start line.  Thanks to that sweet Friend!  It made it so much easier than getting up at 3am to drive down on race morning.  

The weather turned out beautiful!! It was 62 degrees when we started.  We did have a nice wind blowing too which made it feel cool coming off that water.  Candy's dad flew P38s in WW11.  So we had to get some pictures with the flags. 

Just look at that beautiful beach!!! 

 Me waiting to start... talking to my legs about getting prepared for that sand.. hee hee

I didn't keep the arm sleeves long.  I got warm within the first mile!  Boy that sand was tough!!! By mile 3 I told Candy that I was going to have to start listening to my watch beeps and do my run/walk program or I was not going to survive 13.1 miles in the sand.  She said that was good with her. :>)   I tried to grab a selfie of us.. but only got her and my shadow.

 Most of the runners tried to stay as close to the water as possible.  We were all hoping for hard packed sand there.... however, due to the tide, it was so soft that your foot would sink deep in the sand and most of the time the wave would come crashing in and you were soaking wet.  I went up on the dry sand several times hoping it would be easier up there, but it wasn't.  It was just plain hard running on that beach no matter what.  
Candy at the half way mark trying to get sand out of her shoes.  She took her shoes off and put them back on.  Our shoes were so full of sand and it all ended up right under your toes.  I felt like I had 10 pounds of sand under each foot.  I waited till mile 10 to take my shoes off and try to dump sand out and it didn't really help.  

By the half way mark, Candy had started talking to a lady that we stayed neck and neck with. We would get ahead of her on the run segment and then when we walked she would catch us.  She was doing a slow steady pace.  Candy is like another friend of mine that will strike up a conversation very easily.  I'm shy and quiet.  LOL  Anyway, Candy asked the lady how old she was and if she ran on the beach much.  The lady said she was 51 and she didn't live far from the beach.  We had both guessed she was older than 51.  

So you know what happen next... that competitive side of me kicked in. :>)  I told Candy that with her being 51 that meant she was in either our age group .. if they did 10 year awards.. or my age group if they did 5 year awards.   Candy is 57 and I'm 51 currently.   And that meant we needed to stay ahead of her... LOL   Candy told me to go on and not let her hold me back.  She said the sand was kicking her butt.  I told her we'd both run our race and not let either one hold each other back.  So when we made the turn at the half way mark, I picked up the pace.  I turned up my music and told myself that running 5 minutes in the sand faster than I had been running wasn't going to kill me... I'd get a walk break here and there..   

When I stopped at mile 10 to try to empty my shoes, I looked back and could not see Candy or the lady I was trying to stay ahead of.  I don't know how I got so far ahead of Candy.  She's STRONG.  But I will say that running on the beach was so mental...... well it was physical also.. but I really had to talk to myself to continue.  I had to keep saying.. this is going to suck... this is bad....... but I GOT THIS...   I was so glad that I KT taped my ankle.  I tend to have trouble with one of my ankles when I run on a trail or anywhere that my foot isn't on even ground.  So far my ankle was holding up and I only had 3 miles left.  

Boy I was so glad to see that finish line!  Here's a few pictures the race guy captured.  

As soon as I finished I walked back down to the water, took off my shoes and socks, tried to get the sand out by washing them in the waves.... while watching for Candy to come in.  It was like 5 minutes or so till I saw the lady coming in that I had wanted to stay ahead of.. but no Candy.  Then I thought I had missed her while washing my shoes... but all of a sudden I could make her out in the distance.  With my eye sight I can usually make someone out by the way they run before I can see their facial features... hee hee    I cheered her in and we grabbed a picture in the water. 

 We were both so glad it was over.. ha   
Our medals. :>) 

The race is not that big .. it's only their 5th year to host the race and there is also a big race called the Azalea Trail Run 10K that is the same day in Mobile, Alabama.  I hope next year they won't be on the same day.  Several of Team Run4TheKids did the Azalea run.  I missed running with them and seeing their smiling faces.  I saw several great pictures of them.  I just didn't want to run a 10K and then have extra miles to run afterwards to get my 12 miles in.  I'd rather get it all done at one time so I'd be ready for bike on Sunday.. however, the Azalea is always a fun 10K.  

Flora-Bama host the warrior race so all registration fees goes to S.O.W.F. ... that's the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.  They've raised $18,000 so far this year.  It was so nice seeing so many military families.  Really makes you appreciate what they do for our country! They had lots of food afterwards and we hung around for awards because we both knew we were probably placing in our age groups with it being a small race.  I normally don't place in half marathons..:>)   I only saw 2 females ahead of us during the half.  It was more men that ran the half marathon than females.  They also offered a 5K and the majority of people did that instead of the half.. guess they didn't want to do 13.1 miles in the sand.. ha


I got 1st place in my age group and the lady that I pushed so hard to stay ahead of got 2nd place.  When we went up to get our awards she said to me... "boy sister.. you kicked it in gear that 2nd half and I lost sight of you."  :>)  The guy giving us the awards just laughed and hugged us big time. ... He said he was big on hugs. :>)  

 I love my glass!
 Candy also got 1st place in her age group.  The awards were in 5 year age groups. 

We ended up staying on the beach a couple of hours and relaxing.  It was so NICE.

Took my St. Jude Igloo cooler.  I love this thing! and I love St. Jude! It was one of my hero gifts from last year.  

So that's a wrap on my half marathon in the sand.  I'm still shocked I pulled out a 2:33 time for a half in the sand!  I also thought I'd be so sore on Sunday and worried about my 65 mile bike ride.  I was so surprised that my legs were not really sore.  Even when I was riding my legs were not hurting.  It was my neck and shoulders that killed me on my long bike ride.  It's a common complaint among bikers on long rides.. however, my neck is weak and I started last night doing some exercises to try to strengthen it so maybe it won't hurt so bad on my long bike rides.  I have 75 coming up this weekend... :<>)   I'm building for a 100 miler (century ride) coming up in May. :>) and also training for that first full ironman coming up in September.  So this neck has got to improve. :>) I had planned to sew on Sunday night, but that didn't happen after that long bike.  I had to rest my neck for my "power" swim this am.  Yep, she titled it "Power" swim and boy it was... ha I had to talk to myself again... "this is going to suck!.. this is going to be hard! ... but I GOT THIS".    I know in the end it will make me stronger.  

Philippians 4:13

Hope you had a good running, biking or swimming weekend!  I'm so glad tomorrow is REST day for me. :>) 

Go for your dreams!  LIFE IS SHORT!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Rain ... Rain... GO AWAY

Another week is almost behind us.  Trying to figure out my weekend long run and long bike around RAIN!  I'm so dang tired of this rain every weekend.  It can be pretty all week long while I'm at work and then it's going to RAIN all weekend.  We've had a couple of nice weekends this year, but for the majority they've been RAIN.  My yard is so wet in spots that it's useless to mop or vacuum because we have a dog that comes in and out and his big old paw prints are all over.  I'm just OVER this rain!  BTW it has rained all day today.... calling for 80-100% all weekend!

So this week is 29 weeks till IMCHOO (Ironman Chattanooga).  How am I feeling?  Actually pretty good.  I am LOVING having a coach!  Each Sunday she gives me my workouts for the following week via Training Peaks.  It's an outlet that a lot of athletes use.  Your Garmin data will upload to it automatically.  She can see exactly what I'm doing and how I'm doing.  It holds me accountable.  :>)  Plus she sends me feedback.  :>)  I told her in the beginning that the swim is what concerns me the most.  She assured me she would make me confident and ready for that 2.4 mile swim.  Well........ boy the swim workouts sure have been different than anything I've done before.  I use to just go swim and try to swim as many laps as possible.  Now I'm working more on form ... and I'm also swimming many laps.  I swam 3 miles this week.  Did a brick.. That's a bike ride followed immediately by a run.  Yep, starting them early.  My coach says I'll be so glad come September. :>) 

 I also love that each week my training peaks calendar has a countdown showing me what's coming up.

Week 22 Columbus GA Tri (OLY)
Week 15 Kona Marathon
Week 12 Heatwave Classic TRI
Week 8 Natchez Ride - 100 Miles
Week 6 Hattiesburg Ride - 65 Miles
Week 4 Tra Tri - Sprint TRI

Training can be one of the hardest things no matter what you are training for.  You must put in the time if you want to succeed.  I know firsthand that if I skimp on workouts, I will pay for it come race day.  Augusta Half Ironman was one of the hardest and most rewarding things I had ever done.  Those last few miles of running in 93 degree weather was awful.  So I know the full ironman is going to be work.  It won't come easy.  

But a little faith and hard work...  I know I can do this! 
I hope whatever you are training for that your training is going well and you are putting in the time.  You'll be thankful in the end.

Happy training! 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Marathon #10 in the books..

Marathon #10 is in the books.... even if I wondered if it would happen or not. 

Work has just been crazy lately.  Seems most days we are here very late and some on the weekends.  It's hard to get your training in when that happens.  My husband even said to me... "I don't know why you signed up for that full ironman when you already come home exhausted everyday."   I tried to explain to him that I come home mentally exhausted not physically.  He doesn't get it.  He has very little stress at his job.  He's not keying numbers at a computer all day and staring at the numbers all day long trying to be a magician and predict the future. LOL  I told him that some days I seriously think I'd rather just be a Walmart greeter and not have to think. :<>)   And this is the one thing that concerns me about getting in my training for ironman.... Just praying work won't be rough come June, July & August! That's when I'll really be in the heat of my training. 

This is how I feel most days here lately.. OUT OF ORDER!

Oh that's enough of me complaining about work.  I do love my job most days.. just not here lately.  Let's get on to the race report. 

So I had not done a FULL marathon since Disney back in January, 2017... it's been a full year.  That dang bursitis really got me down last year along with a few other things... so I had a good long break from doing any full marathons.  I was nervous.  My running still isn't back up to par.  I'm basically doing a run/walk program for my long distance running and have felt good doing it.  

Notice the R4TK... Run4TheKids... I love to represent the kids! 

We meet up at the park and grabbed a picture with our awesome teammate who was pacing the 4:15 group.
A couple of  my running friends were also doing the full and had asked me to run with them.  It tends to make 26.2 miles go faster if you have a running partner. :>)  I had told them I would try, but planned to do my 5 minute run followed by 1 min walk.  Michelle said that was going to be too much walking for her and she didn't think her knees could take it. 

Waiting to start.. the wind was chilly.

So at the last minute I went against my plan and told her I'd try to just run with them and I hoped the water stops were going to be every mile so we could walk them.  Well, the water stations were more like every 2 miles.  

Not sure what mile this was at.... Michelle loves to go live on fb while running and take pictures so I never got my phone out to take any of my own.  :>) 

Basically I surprised myself because I was able to run.  We did walk each water stop and even stopped to go to the bathroom one time.  Now keep in mind we were not going fast.  Matter of fact when we would get to doing a 9:30 or so pace, Jamie would slow us back down to a 10:30 - 10:45.  We all knew we did not need to run too fast especially in the beginning because none of us 3 have been training hard lately.  By mile 17 my whole body hurt.  My toes were on FIRE!  Even though I had rubbed most of my body down with vaseline, I was starting to rub raw in several places.  It was so HOT!  My whole face was covered in salt.  AND to top it off they had changed the course since I last ran it.  We were now approaching a huge bridge that was a monster HILL!  We noticed that runners were also coming back over the bridge which meant we were going to have to do that bridge 2X... grrrrr...   Little did I know there would be 2 more bridges that were hills before we turned around to come back in to the finish.  

Now don't get me wrong.  I prefer a race with hills because there is a DOWNHILL side..... but since my longest run was 14 miles with 4 miles walking to get a total of 18 miles .... I was not ready for hills at the end of a marathon.  We decided to walk up and run down them.  

It was about mile 20-22 that we got to talking about our time.  Michelle realized that if she didn't walk much the last miles she could make a PR.  Even though me and her were both running our 10th marathon, she said she had never ran one under 5 hours.  I told her I had and there was no way I could make something better than a 4:30 to get me a PR so we encouraged her to run on.  She did and she got that PR!  And by shock with my walking I was able to pull out a 5:01 .... here's my watch time for proof :>)

Talk about being shocked after not running for several months.  I guess it was good to take a break.  Now 5 hours still ain't fast.... that's just a 11:30 pace ... but that's also for 26.2 miles. :>) I was happy with my time.  

We all finished with minutes of each other which was even sweeter.  We grabbed a few pictures before heading back to our hotels.

I love these peeps!  They are all so very inspiring and encouraging.  I'm glad I'll be with several of them in Hawaii to conquer the Kona Marathon in June. :>) 

BTW... I was sore as heck! That's the downside from not running much.  It kind of felt like my first marathon all over again.  Today is day 4 post marathon and my quads are still very sore tight.  I'm glad my coach gave me an easy week of workouts to recover.  However, she's got a swim program tomorrow that I'm going to have to google to understand what I'm supposed to do.  ha!  I've never had real swim training so this is going to be interesting. :>)  Looking forward to the challenge.  Change is good. :>) 

Happy running peeps!
Grab you some friends and get out there! 

My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...