Monday, April 29, 2019

Dream Bike Ride 4-27-19

Long Bike Day..... I love doing these rides to get in my long bike workouts.  Especially when it's for a great organization like Dream of Hattiesburg!  My plan was to do the 65 mile loop per my coach.  Everything for me is training these days leading up to that big race in September.  :>) 

The Hattie Hundred is a cycling event. All proceeds go to DREAM a local non-profit that works with youth and families to address the prevention of bullying, suicide, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse.

I had attached my new "sound defense" to test it out.  I figured I wouldn't need it on the trace for dogs, but wanted to see how it rode and if it aggravated me where I had attached it.  I did blow it close to Bassfield at a dog and he shut up immediately and sat down.  I sure hope that is the case the next time I'm out on the road biking.  I'm so sick of aggressive dogs trying to get me on my bike!! 

 Bib and Shirt... Love the soft cotton shirt this year! 

The morning was perfect.  Cool and sunny.  I was a tad sad that none of my friends were doing the ride this year.  Some times every one's schedules don't workout for you to all be together.  That's when we must have that strong since of dedication to go ahead and get in our workout even when we do it alone.  I had hoped that I'd end up riding close to a couple of people, but that didn't work out.  It kind of started out that way, but a group of bikers kept trying to draft off me.  I was getting so frustrated!  Drafting isn't legal in ironman races so there is no need for me to practice it.  They were staying right up on my back tire.  It was making me so nervous.  I was so GLAD when they stopped at the first rest stop .... 15 miles into the ride.  I wasn't planning on stopping until the half way mark unless I just had to stop.  I kept going and then was all alone.  All the really fast riders were way ahead and others were stopping at every aid station.  

I didn't put in my ear buds so it was just me and nature.  I had a long talk with the good Lord and thought of so many things that needed to be done at my house. LOL  You can't wear ear buds in ironman races either so I need to go without them more during long bikes to be prepared for that LONG time on the bike.  I felt great.  I was moving along very nicely and kept thinking to myself that my time was going to be so much better than last year.  

A nice kid volunteering at the finish line offered to take my picture.  I was glad since I didn't have a group of my friends with me for us each to take each others pictures.  

 Rode in my bike shirt I got in Kona when I went to Hawaii last year. LOVE
 Nice finisher medals!  The people that rode the 100 miles got a nice railroad stake! 

Well.... to my disappointment... my time wasn't faster.  I was so surprised when I pulled up my results from last year on my garmin.  My overall speed was basically the same. 

 2018 bike results & 2019 bike results

I must of had to stop more for cars at all the crossings this year since my total average was slightly lower than last year, but my total moving average was the same... LOL  17.2 for both years.  I would have never thought that to be true.  I was telling 2 of my friends about my time and one of them made a very good point... She told me that to her that just showed I've made a good comeback since my accident.  I hadn't really thought about it that way.  I was more thinking I should have been faster this year.   But she's right! and that's why I love her.  She always gives me a different view.  I have improved because I was very skiddish after my accident.  I still have nerves and still see my accident while riding, but I'm much better than I was a couple months ago.  Thank you sweet Jesus.  Without him watching over me, I'm not sure what I'd do or how I'd do it.  I give him all the glory! :>) 

So it was a great day! Absolutely beautiful outside.  

I have another bike ride this coming weekend.  I'll only be doing the shorter distance since it's a taper week.  It's looking nice on the weather.  I'm glad for the ones riding 100 miles.  Last year I rode the 100 in complete rain on the Natchez Trace.  It wasn't fun.  

So that's a wrap on the Dream ride.  Training for ironman going well.  I feel my body getting stronger and my mind.  I did however, miss a TRI on Sunday.  I should have went to bed early to get up at 3am to travel to the coast, but that didn't happen so when my alarm went off, I turned it off.  I never do things like that.. ha   I think the good Lord had other plans for me like making sure I was at church since I have 2 weekends in a row coming up with out of town races.  I needed to work on some things at home too.  So I grabbed me a nice 5 mile run before church.  It felt good to shake out those bike legs. :>)  I was a tad disappointed I missed the TRI when I saw the race results and the ones that placed in my age group are slower than me.  Well let me say... I'm usually faster when things all fall right on race day.  Just cause I'm faster in training doesn't always mean the same on race day.  Too many things can impact race day. :>)    .... But oh well, I missed the race and must move on.  


And always...

God bless you always!

Monday, April 8, 2019

RnS Half Marthon #36

A half marathon that I didn't have to travel out of town to get to.... no added expense.. YIPPIE

  I love seeing this race grow.  This was the 8th year for the race and my 5th time to run the half.  I had to look it up because someone asked me how many times I had ran the race since it was a local race and I wasn't sure.  This was my 36th half marathon so it's beginning to get hard to remember how many times I may have run some of them.  LOL  Yep, I'm getting old.... I need a post it note for everything! :>) 

So I had to look up my past results... you know us crazy runners... we like to compare results..... I first ran the race in 2012 with a time of 2:11.  I had just ran my very fist half marathon in 2010 with a time of 2:06 in November and then this race in April.  I skipped 2013 due to neck surgery and then was back in 2014 for an even better time of 2:04.  Looks like I was trying to get to that 2 hour mark. :>)  Then in 2015 I sat out on the sidelines.  I had ran several races in a row and developed bad shin splints so I decided to stand on the side and take pictures of all my friends racing.  I'll never forget that day.  It was an odd feeling being on the sideline.  Then in 2016 I was back, but this time I had been asked to run with the Freedom Riders and help push an ARC child.  We finished in 2:11.  I was thrilled with that time because it's tough pushing a stroller for 13 miles.  But guess what? I did it again in 2017!  I missed the race in 2018 because I choose another half marathon on the beach that was to benefit soldiers.  But then here it is 2019 and I'm back at the RnS and running AGAIN with the Freedom Riders. :>)   

When Terri first asked me to push I was a tad down about it.  My running has been getting back on track and with it being a local race I kind of wanted to run it to see how good I could do.  But then I was reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses.  

Acts 20:35 "By all these things, I have shown you that by working in this way we must help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”

I really do love helping with the kids and it's a wonderful thing to watch them enjoy the race.  So I told Terri to count me in!  I would be team up with Matt & Amanda to push Korbin.  Some races you just do for others... time don't matter. 

I was also thrilled when the race director told me I could have a table at the EXPO on Friday to spread the word about Team Run4TheKids and our upcoming race in May.  Here's a picture of our table.

We passed out over 300 flyers on our race.  I hope that helps us get more participation.  I learned last week that there is now another race the same day in Hattiesburg.  The Blue Line Challenge.  GRRRRR   

Now on to the race...... 

Now Korbin is a character!  I had just helped push him at the 10K Children's Classic back in February.  He is smart as a whip and will quiz you on movies and stuff.  Saturday he was in rare form talking smack to all the runners that passed us. :>)  We laughed and had a great time with him.  It was extremely MUGGY.  The temperature at the start of the race was 69 degrees with 100% humidity.  The Humidity was so thick it looked like you needed a knife to cut it.  

Frank & I at the start line.  He had on his ham radio.  He planned to listen to all of them during the race.  

Freedom riders lining up to start

Bikers from Jed's Perfect Endurance bike shop planned to ride along the course to help. 

The race was under new direction this year with a new course.  They had said the course was flat but I disagree with them.  LOL  Actually one of my running friends described it well.  He said it was a technical course with hills and flats.  Now that's the truth!  It had several turns which I'm so thankful they were all marked with either a sign or a person standing there to tell you to turn or I would have been lost.  And yes, there were hills and flats.  The hills seemed bigger when it was my turn to push. LOL  We attempted to change who was pushing each mile so that no one would get too worn out.  Sometimes we'd let Matt keep pushing when he'd offer to.  He was pretty good about that.  Guess he felt sorry for us girls. :>)  But don't worry, I got my share of pushing and my shoulders and arms knew it after the race.  Our time was 2:19 according to the results.  My watch had a moving time of 2:16.  Around mile 7-8 I noticed Korbin got very quiet.  He wasn't talking as much smack and he wasn't smiling anymore.  I thought he had said something about the bathroom but wasn't sure.  As we kept running I asked him if he was ok and he'd just said yes.  However, I could tell the way he was squirming and not smiling at all that something was up.  So I told Matt that I thought he needed to go to the bathroom.  We weren't sure where he was going to go or if  he'd even go for us.  The only big compliant that I have on the race is that there were no porta potties!  I only saw one along the course and that was way back around mile 6.  

By mile 8 we were getting back on the Long Leaf Trace to run the last 3 miles to downtown to finish.  There are trees along the side of the trace so me and Matt both started looking for options.  Matt spotted a place that looked easy for Korbin to get to that had a small fence and trees so we asked Korbin if he wanted to stop and go to the bathroom in the bushes.  He immediately said yes.  We got him out of the stroller and Matt & Amanda walked him down to the site.  Korbin's walking is a tad off due to his legs and his disability.  I stayed with the stroller.  Several people came by as we waited.....and waited... and waited...I decided to stretch while waiting.   Finally Korbin is ready to come back to the stroller.  When we finally got him back in and all strapped up, he said, "I've been holding that a LONG time".  I felt so bad for him!  I know what it feels like to go to the bathroom bad and it's no fun.  Poor kid!  But now he was back smiling and talking his smack.  We had also stopped several times at the aid stations to let Korbin drink water before we started running and pushing him so he wouldn't spill it on himself.  So that's why my watch had a total time of 2:19 like the timer, but an actual moving time of 2:16.   :>)  Due to the heat and humidity I was pleased with our time.  I was drenched.  It took me all day to cool off.  Even after I got home and had a shower I was still hot.  My cheeks were so red and my whole body just felt like a heating pad until very late Saturday night.  I was also very tired.  Races that include heat & humidity just seem to take it all out of me.  I was useless the rest of the day. :>)  My husband even asked me what I was cooking HIM for supper.  I just laughed and told him he was on his OWN!  He should have been cooking for ME, right?? 

I didn't take any pictures along the course! I should have but never thought about it. I hope when the race pictures are posted that I'll find some decent ones of us on the course to update this blog.  AND here's the Pictures from the photographer at the race:

Here is a picture of us at the finish line and some from the post race party. 

Me, Matt, Amanda, & Korbin

The official beer of the Boston Marathon was at our race.  I had to get a picture because I just love the Boston logo! The beer has been exclusive to Boston in the past and is just now being released to other races.   

Frank and I went to waffle house afterwards.  That little bowl of food we got at the race was not enough.  You could buy more if you wanted, but the runners only got 1 small bowl free.  That's the only other thing I can think of about the race that needs improving.  You could get plenty of chips & bananas, but not real food.  If they add the Full marathon as planned next year, they will need more FOOD for the runners.  So proud of Frank! He's battled a few injuries and hasn't been running long distance in awhile and he ran the half.  He ran with Julie and they both did awesome and encouraged each other. I LOVE team Run4TheKids team members!

Well that's a wrap on half marathon #36.  I still can't believe I'm getting close to 40 half marathons since I didn't do my first till 2010! I've only been running around 10 years.  Yep, I started late in life. :>)  That's an average of 4-5 half marathons a year! 

My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...