Sunday, August 18, 2019

T-6 weeks... Ironman Chatty... a MUCH better week

6 Weeks or should I say 41 days!! :<>) 

After the severe leg cramps on the bike last weekend, I told Lisa I might need a day or two off from biking and running to let my legs recover.  Yes, I was able to get in my 18 mile run last Sunday, but I still felt like I needed some down time.   When she sent me my schedule I was shocked or should I say surprised she didn't have me running or biking at all until the weekend.  Only swimming during the week.  I figured the most I'd get would be a day or two off but not several days.  LOL.  She really does listen to her athletes.  There was lots of foam rolling on the hamstrings and calves during the week.  I did actually feel like running by Wednesday, but decided not to and let the old legs recover.  Sometimes you just need a little downtime.  

So here's my week:

Monday - REST day :>). I love these more and more... 

Tuesday - 2,500 yard swim ... swim went well... legs still sore from weekend 

Wednesday - 2,000 yard swim .... I ended up sleeping in and was planning on swimming after work.   However, the bike shop called and my bike was ready so I had to drive to Hattiesburg after work to pick it up.  So no swim for me. 

Thursday - Rest day --- However I swapped Thursday and Friday because Friday at work is crazy busy and I had a coworker off on vacation so I didn't know if I'd get off in time to get in my LONG swim or should I say ... the BIG ONE.. as Lisa said... 4,000 yard swim.... I choose to swim after work because It's hard for me to get that distance in and get to work on time in the mornings.  HA.   There was a high school swim team practicing.  Some of the parents had stayed to watch and I felt like they were all staring at me the whole time.  grrrrrrr.   I'm not a swimmer ...... I didn't swim in high school so I never learned the proper techniques.  When I first started doing TRIs, Warren the swim coach would tell me I had to get my head down.  I always swam with my head out of water.  I have learned to swim with my head down and breath on the side, but I'm sure I look nothing like those kids swimming.  :>). Anyway,  I got it done!  Took me 1 hour 44 minutes.   Not fast, but most of the swim was at an easy pace.  :>) My arms felt like they were about to fall off by the time I finished those 80 laps.   Plus I was starving!  I know why we never let our kids swim on days they had soccer, baseball, etc.  You are just too tired afterwards... LOL. and just think after I swim 2.4 miles, I still have to bike 116 miles and run 26.2 miles... YIKES..... Am I crazy???  😝 😜 

Friday - Rest day 

Saturday - 80 mile bike + 1 mile run.  .......  I was so nervous about this ride.  I am always nervous before a ride ever since my bike accident, but I was way more nervous worried about the cramps.  But this time I was going to hydrate differently.   I had some blood work done at the doctor and she asked me if I had done a long run or bike before they drew the blood.  I told her no and asked why.  She said my blood work showed I was a little dehydrated.  So in hindsight, I really think my issue lately has been hydration.  Especially starting out at a deficit.   So I started on Friday drinking some re:play that has electrolytes and stuff in it.   Then on Saturday morning I drank one bottle before my ride.  I felt much better.  I rode the first 42 miles with Jed's group to get some hills.  We had a big group.  I stayed in the back so I would not push it since I had 38 more miles to do afterwards.  I averaged 17.5 mph and felt good.  Then I went back out alone on the trace to do my other 38 miles.  By this time it was starting to get HOT.  So I rode easy.  I finished my ride with an average of 15.3 mph and no CRAMPS.  YEAH ME!!    Yes, 15.3 is not as good as 17.5, but I was not worried about speed.  I was worried about getting the distance in with no cramps!  I did a quick 1 mile run and I was done!  I felt good too.  If my legs, neck and shoulders had not been tired from all the biking, I think I could have done many more miles.  Maybe it was just the high I was on from not having any cramps or maybe it was the fact that I hydrated differently.......  Either way, I felt pumped.  I really needed that ride after last Saturday.   :>). 

Sunday - 10 mile run.  I did a very easy jog/walk around 7am.   It was calling for 100% humidity earlier than 7am so I waited a bit to go out.  It was still 88% humidity and I was drenched when I was done.  My sneakers are still soaking wet.  :>). I had thought about waiting until Sunday afternoon to run, but then we made plans to spend time with the grand kids so I needed to get my run over so we could get to Hattiesburg around brunch time.  :>).  We had a nice meal with the kids then went back to their house for the afternoon.  It was a good day!  They are growing up way too fast!! 

So this week ended up being much better than the past two.  Yay... I know not all weeks will be good though.  We all have hurdles we have to jump over.   We all have to decide do we quit or do we get up and try again.  I choose to keep moving forward.  I don't have my schedule yet for next week, but I think I'll have a 100 mile bike on tap.  oh boy... ha.   Now if I can just get God to blow in a cold front like the week of the race and cool off these temperatures I think that 144.6 miles would not be as rough cause I know it's not going to be an easy day to start with..... :>). 

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