St. Jude Memphis Half Marathon - #39 marathon! Wow I'm 39% of the way to 100 half marathons :>) Never Ever would I had dreamed I would run that many half marathons growing up with no sports background at all! I must say I've only been able to do it with the SUPPORT and LOVE from so many friends!!! Thank you to each of you that have encouraged me in some way!!! I get private messages all the time from people telling me how I have encouraged them, but truly it's all of you that have encouraged ME! THANKS!!
I chose the half this year at St. Jude because guess what??? My daughter also signed up for the half with a little bit of coaxing from me. Sometimes, we have to push our kids. hee hee I knew she could do it. I wanted her to believe in herself. Her training started out pretty good during the summer. She was getting in some runs and she was even coming over and riding my peloton bike some. I was all giddy inside waiting to do the half with her. Then school started, she's a teacher, and her training basically came to a halt. So then I began to worry a little. However, I checked the website and she had a 4 hour 20 minute time limit on the half, so I knew she could walk 13.1 miles in that time and my worry went away.
I must say I am so very PROUD of her!! I told her I would stay with her the whole time. I also told her I'd let her lead the way. I would not push her. I told her when she wanted to jog, we would jog and when she wanted to walk we would walk. She did so good!! We jogged off and on and stayed up with Frank, Krista, Charity, & Sunshine most of the race. Erin said seeing them directly ahead of her kept her going. So THANK YOU TO EACH OF YOU FOR ENCOURAGING MY DAUGHTER!

Now that wasn't all to my fabulous weekend in Memphis..... This year my son & his girlfriend joined us and did the 5K with my mom. I was so glad they did that because usually Erin does the 5K with mom while I do the marathon. I don't like mom being alone. AND... my son proposed to his girl!!!!!!! He surprised us all! :>) Well, except his sister who he had told that he might do it while we were in Memphis. :>) It was so sweet!! I was so honored to get to see it. He's a very shy man and I'm super shocked he let us be around when he finally got on that knee. :>) Erin captured it thank goodness because me and mom had walked on up ahead and then a couple walked right in front of us when we turned back to see why they were dragging behind. I think Whitney was surprised also! :>) The ring is absolutely beautiful! I'm so very happy for both of them!! I've prayed for years for my children to find Godly partners. Brett has found his so now we just got to find Erin one. I'm debating on putting an ad on Facebook.. hee hee. ... mom approval before meeting Erin... Not really...she'd kill me. :>) I'll just keep praying that the special person that God has picked for her will come along and knock her off her socks. :>)
Here are a few pictures of Brett & Whitney:
I feel so blessed that my mom, son, daughter and Whitney were with me in Memphis this year. Paying for 2 hotel rooms, picking up all the tabs on the meals for everyone, zoo Christmas light tickets, and gas to Memphis ... all PRICELESS when getting to do it all with the people I LOVE and CHERISH!!
PS... very, very, very proud of team Run4TheKids! We raised close to $19,000 for St. Jude this year! I think we had 20 of them present in Memphis. I didn't get to hang out with many of them because I was busy doing so much with my family. I think we all had a great race. Some set new PRs! Yeah! and we missed a couple that couldn't be there due to family in hospital. Looking forward to 2020 with the team!
So that's a wrap on the St. Jude Memphis weekend!
What's up next? Gulf Coast Full Marathon with my peer pressure running friends. :>)
Happy Running,
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