Thursday, April 23, 2020

COVID-19 --- CONTINUES.... 4-23-20

It's been about a month since my last post and guess what.... we are still in the COVID-19 era!   It just keeps spreading! 

As of today:

As for me... I'm still going to the office every day and working.  They are still not allowing us to travel, which where would we go?  All races right now are either cancelled or postponed!  Today I would have been on a red eye flight to California with my mom for the Big Sur this weekend.  They've postponed the race till November 15.  We'll see if that happens...... 

I think all runners are praying that the fall races happen, but each day it grows more grim of that actually happening.  They still don't have a vaccine for the virus.  It does appear that we have slowed down the rate of it spreading by all the "stay at home" orders.   However, many people are still not abiding by the rules and having big backyard BBQs and such which does nothing but spread the virus.

I'm not sure when we will ever get back to a "normal".  So many have lost their jobs.  The market is dropping.  I can't even look at my 401K right now because it makes me want to cry.  I was so hoping to retire fairly early and not work till I'm 70, but now it's looking grim on that also. 😢😢😢

But on the bright side I am still running & biking!  There is no swimming right now due to the pools being closed.  I refuse to just sit and wait until races are going full force again.  I don't want to sit and be so out of shape that I have to start totally over.  So each week I continue with running, mostly around my neighborhood, biking on my Peloton and doing some strength exercises for the arms to keep them in shape since no swimming at the moment.  Exercise does make me feel free and alive and not so worried about the virus.  I'm very thankful I am still able to do that.   I am getting tired of not being able to run to town to grab something to eat or shop for something.  Gary and I haven't killed each other at home yet.... but I'm so ready for his happy hour to open back up.  😂😂  Oh and what I miss the most is my BIG old family getting together and running with my group of friends!  When we do get to run together again, I may hug them so much and I'm not typically a hugger. 😛

Well that's the update for now...  Until then we must keep the faith!

My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...