Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fark to Fork 5-13-2023

48 miles on the bike for me in 2:50. I’ll take it 😁. Especially on those hills when you haven’t been biking much.   πŸ˜.  My PPRF group ran.   Except for Penny who was at the beach ❤️.   I biked with my fellow Ironman friends.  It was a great morning to raise some money to feed the hungry.

I love this race / ride. You have the option on running from 5K to a half marathon and on the bike ride you can choose from 34, 48 to 62 miles. Lots of options so people from all walks of life can participate. It's for an awesome cause... EXTRA TABLE.. feeing people! Rhonda Hayden and her group do an excellent job of organizing and the post party is super! Lots of vendors with good food, drinks and music! It's really just an all around great event!

I originally had planned on doing the 62 mile ride, but since I hadn't been out on my bike much and not really ridden over like 30 miles, I backed down to the 48 miler. I was pleased with my ride even with the lack of training... πŸ˜† I rode with some fellow ironman friends. It was a beautiful morning for a bike ride. My PPRF friends mostly did the 5K and a few did the 10K. They said the run was HOT.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

The elevation is no joke! 

Look at that max speed.. that was going DOWNHILL!

My friends Susan and Laurie

WE had LOTS of bikers

Feleica spotted me before the bike ride... I had just woke up... ha....  Puffy eyes... πŸ˜›

Thanks to my friend Rod who captured these pictures of me at the finish line. 

and that's a wrap until next year!  

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