Tuesday, November 6, 2018

6 Weeks post accident.... Where am I?

This past weekend marked 6 weeks since my bike accident.  Several have asked how my recovery is going.  So here's where I'm at.......   

I started back swimming last week.  Even though it was only 1,000 yards compared to the normal 3,000 - 4,000 I was doing in preparation for the race, it is a good start.  My arm was sore, but overall I felt so good to get back in the water.  This week at PT Grant noticed how much more I could rotate my arm.  I told him I thought swimming had helped.  He smiled and agreed.  He's one of the best PTs I know!  My strength is not back 100%, but I'm working on it.  I'll be glad when I can put my full weight on my hand so I can go back to yoga.  Missing my downward dogs. LOL  

I have only ridden outside on my bike once and it was a short ride.  I was very nervous.  I kept seeing my wreck over and over in my head.  I have a feeling that my bike is going to take longer to come back than my swimming.  I've never had an accident like this one.  Never a broken bone until now at the age 52!  Let me just say it scared me pretty bad.  I may of seem tough on the outside, but inside I was scared.  I hope to get in another short ride this weekend.  I've attempted the trainer a few times, but I was unable to put much weight on my hand/arm for a long period so I wouldn't really call my rides and ride. LOL  

I have been running basically the whole time.  Well, it's been a jog/walk, however it kept me moving and I didn't go crazy during this time.  I actually did a 5K and ran a sub 9 min pace for the 3.1 miles.  I was thrilled.  My SIL, Devon also did the 5K and I had to get a pic with her 2 baby girls... my precious nieces.... Madelyn Grace & Malone  

However, that pace didn't last for my 20 mile long run this past weekend. hee hee  But my time wasn't bad for a jog/walk program.  I actually don't feel near as tired as when I use to just run the 20 miles straight.  I think Hal has something on that jog / walking. :>) I'm getting ready for the St. Jude marathon coming up in 4 weeks!  Go team Run4TheKids!  I have 32 team members going to run as heroes for the kids.  This will be my 6th year to run as a hero.  I hope to be there every year God willing. :) 

Overall I'm pleased with my progress.  My feeling in my teeth, jaw, and cheekbone is slowing coming back.  My arm is improving daily.  My ribs are still sore, but not as sore as they were thank goodness! I read that it can take 8-10 weeks for cracked ribs to heal.  But am I still sad I missed the Ironman race?  Yep, you bet I am!  Some days it doesn't bother me as much and some days it's all I can think about all day.   However,  I know myself and If I had done the race with the canceled swim that ended up happening, I would not have felt like a complete Ironman and I would want to do it again.  So maybe God knew that and that's why I had the accident.  He just didn't have to hurt me so badly. :>)  But heck, if I wasn't hurt so badly, I would have pushed to make myself try to complete the race.  Most people call that STUBBORN.  Well, I got a full case of that and HARDHEADED.  :>)  

I follow this guy on Instagram.  He always has some pretty cool sayings.  I love this one. 

If you are going through something hard at the moment and feel like quitting... think of this saying.  

Happy  Training to you!  Hope to see you out there!

I'm going to a 12K this weekend at the Battleship in Mobile.  Hoping to see several friends at the race.  That's one thing I love about running ..... the time with friends at races or during training.


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