Sunday, August 25, 2019

T-5 Weeks ... 34 days to Ironman Chatty!!!

Grueling week... 

Monday - Rest Day --- Yay me

Tuesday - 3,200 yard swim .... felt pretty good most of the swim.  My swim goggles leaked in the beginning so my eye was burning pretty bad by the end.  I had something scratching my eye real bad on Sunday so the cloudy water at the pool that looked like it needed to be shocked really irritated my eye.  Everyone at work asked me what was wrong with my eye on Tuesday :( 

Wednesday - 40 min am swim & 1 hour bike pm ...  Didn't go to swim.  My eye was still extremely irritated.  I guess something scratched the cornea again :(  Decided I didn't need to get in that water and hopefully by Friday my eye will be much better for my long swim.  
Bike - did a 45 min hill climb with Matt.. it was a killer hill! He simulated Tour De France... he even said at the end... "don't hate me... I know normally my rides aren't this hard".   :>)  Then cooled down with a 10 min cool down ride with Matt.  Love me some Matt at Peloton!  Just look at that smile! What isn't there to like? :>)  This was right at the beginning before we started class. 

Thursday - Run - HILL Repeats! GRRRRR  but I got it done.  Everyone keeps telling me to quit worrying about the hills on the bike and to worry about the hills on the run.  There are a few small hills in my neighborhood that I typically run, but there is a monster hill at my office.  So I decided to run after work and do 6 hill repeats on that monster hill.  I was drenched with sweat when I was done.  I warmed up and did 3 and then ran a mile and did 3 more.  It kills my knees just to go down this hill. :(  You feel like you might fall it's so steep. 

Friday - LONG SWIM 3,800 yards ..... even though it's hard for me to get in a long swim b4 work, I decided to make my butt get to pool at 5am and meet Jennifer and get it done.  She got done a few minutes before me.  She texted me a screen shot of her time afterwards and said she had her best swim.  She averaged 2.20 per 100 yards and it looked like she was just going easy with a long glide!  I felt like I was swimming fast for over half my time and I only averaged 2.40!  I was so aggravated.  I have a bad habit of not kicking.  I will be thinking about my stroke and keeping my head down and then I'll realize that I'm just dragging my legs. GEEZ!  I'm proud of Jenn!  I talked her into this ironman a couple of months ago and she's coming a long way in distance.  She was always FAST at EVERYTHING... but she had never done long distance.  She's doing really good and I'm proud of her.  She also reminded me that what was important was that I got my long swim in!  2.2 miles done before work! Yeah me!  Now I could rest up before my LONG weekend which includes a 100 mile bike and 20 mile run. Geez Louise! 

Saturday - 20 mile run  .... originally Lisa had me down for 100 mile bike on Saturday and 20 mile run on Sunday.  But then we found out the Southern Magnolia group was having a practice bike ride on Sunday on those Stone county hills so we swapped my Saturday & Sunday workouts.  

So Jennifer and I meet at 6am on Saturday for a 20 mile run. She said she may only do like 15 since the most she had ran was 8 or 9 miles lately.  Even though we meet at the same time, we didn't run together.  Our pace is different right now especially with me doing my jog/walk program.   Sometimes you have to just run your own pace especially when you are getting ready for a race.  I told her I'd try to keep her in my sights. ha.   To my surprise I wasn't far behind her on the first 10 mile loop.  I felt good and I probably ran a tad faster than I should have on my run intervals.  LOL. We had decided to do 2 10 mile loops so we could at least pass each other maybe a couple of times and encourage each other and also be close to our vehicles.  Jennifer wanted to be able to change clothes if needed.... and she did... she changed clothes and shoes after the 1st loop.   I then wished I had done the same.  We were soaked!  It was so humid.  You could hear the water sloshing in my shoes.  I was also having the feeling that I was getting very raw in a place you don't want to be raw.   When I stopped for the bathroom on the 2nd loop, I almost cried when I went to the bathroom.  Talk about burning!!! OMG it was bad.  I was so glad when I was back at my vehicle and the 20 was done.  No cramps! Yeah me! And Jennifer did 20!  I was so proud of her!!  Also saw several friends out running that all cheered me on.  I almost burst into tears one time just thinking about all the people cheering me on and telling me I can do this!  I sure hope I don't disappoint them this time and complete this race.  I just feel so blessed to have such good cheerleaders in my life! :>) 

 Now my legs were super tired and stiff and my toes kept trying to cramp up when I was trying to change clothes, but I was more worried about my private area.  When I got home I went straight to the garbage to see if I had put on the wrong chaffing cream. This is what I used.  I WON'T be using this again!! I must be allergic to something in it.  Regular vaseline for me from now on!

 It had literally scalded me!  I looked like a baby that had a bad diaper for days.  I screamed when I got in the shower.  OH it was so painful!  I found some cream and doctored myself up as my husband laughed.  Thank goodness for this stuff...

I couldn't put on any panties, but at least I felt better ..... I know TMI... but TRUTH... not all things about training for an ironman is fun... hee hee

Sunday - Long bike ... SoMag had shortened the 100 miler to 73, but with the hills I know the would still be good for me. I think they didn't have enough volunteers helping to support 100 milers.  However, when Jennifer and I got there to register, we were told that there was a 4 hour limit on the 73 miles.   They didn't want you to do it unless you could average 18.4 mph to make the 4 hour time limit and that was with stopping at aid stations so that meant you really had to be faster than that!  Since my butt was still so raw and I don't normally bike that fast on long distance, I knew I could not make that time limit so I ended up just doing the 56 miles.  I rode constantly putting all my weight on my arms so I could lift my butt off my saddle.   Trust me it was not a good feeling down there while riding.  I did however try to push it as much as I could since I was only doing 56 miles.  I average 18.1 at the half way point and finished with 17.5 average overall.  I was pleased with that especially on tired legs from the 20 miler, hills, and my current situation going on down below... 

Here's the elevation... looks like only 2 really big hills...but trust me that's not what it felt like.. ha For those that have done the Cultivation Nation TRI, you know these hills well.. cause we rode that route plus more.

We had us a great workout weekend! NO CRAMPS ... 

Well, that's a wrap on another week of training.  I'm glad to of survived.  I actually feel pretty good except for a certain area... ha.   Now to rest and see what's on tap for next week..... 34 days and counting until the big day!


Sunday, August 18, 2019

T-6 weeks... Ironman Chatty... a MUCH better week

6 Weeks or should I say 41 days!! :<>) 

After the severe leg cramps on the bike last weekend, I told Lisa I might need a day or two off from biking and running to let my legs recover.  Yes, I was able to get in my 18 mile run last Sunday, but I still felt like I needed some down time.   When she sent me my schedule I was shocked or should I say surprised she didn't have me running or biking at all until the weekend.  Only swimming during the week.  I figured the most I'd get would be a day or two off but not several days.  LOL.  She really does listen to her athletes.  There was lots of foam rolling on the hamstrings and calves during the week.  I did actually feel like running by Wednesday, but decided not to and let the old legs recover.  Sometimes you just need a little downtime.  

So here's my week:

Monday - REST day :>). I love these more and more... 

Tuesday - 2,500 yard swim ... swim went well... legs still sore from weekend 

Wednesday - 2,000 yard swim .... I ended up sleeping in and was planning on swimming after work.   However, the bike shop called and my bike was ready so I had to drive to Hattiesburg after work to pick it up.  So no swim for me. 

Thursday - Rest day --- However I swapped Thursday and Friday because Friday at work is crazy busy and I had a coworker off on vacation so I didn't know if I'd get off in time to get in my LONG swim or should I say ... the BIG ONE.. as Lisa said... 4,000 yard swim.... I choose to swim after work because It's hard for me to get that distance in and get to work on time in the mornings.  HA.   There was a high school swim team practicing.  Some of the parents had stayed to watch and I felt like they were all staring at me the whole time.  grrrrrrr.   I'm not a swimmer ...... I didn't swim in high school so I never learned the proper techniques.  When I first started doing TRIs, Warren the swim coach would tell me I had to get my head down.  I always swam with my head out of water.  I have learned to swim with my head down and breath on the side, but I'm sure I look nothing like those kids swimming.  :>). Anyway,  I got it done!  Took me 1 hour 44 minutes.   Not fast, but most of the swim was at an easy pace.  :>) My arms felt like they were about to fall off by the time I finished those 80 laps.   Plus I was starving!  I know why we never let our kids swim on days they had soccer, baseball, etc.  You are just too tired afterwards... LOL. and just think after I swim 2.4 miles, I still have to bike 116 miles and run 26.2 miles... YIKES..... Am I crazy???  😝 😜 

Friday - Rest day 

Saturday - 80 mile bike + 1 mile run.  .......  I was so nervous about this ride.  I am always nervous before a ride ever since my bike accident, but I was way more nervous worried about the cramps.  But this time I was going to hydrate differently.   I had some blood work done at the doctor and she asked me if I had done a long run or bike before they drew the blood.  I told her no and asked why.  She said my blood work showed I was a little dehydrated.  So in hindsight, I really think my issue lately has been hydration.  Especially starting out at a deficit.   So I started on Friday drinking some re:play that has electrolytes and stuff in it.   Then on Saturday morning I drank one bottle before my ride.  I felt much better.  I rode the first 42 miles with Jed's group to get some hills.  We had a big group.  I stayed in the back so I would not push it since I had 38 more miles to do afterwards.  I averaged 17.5 mph and felt good.  Then I went back out alone on the trace to do my other 38 miles.  By this time it was starting to get HOT.  So I rode easy.  I finished my ride with an average of 15.3 mph and no CRAMPS.  YEAH ME!!    Yes, 15.3 is not as good as 17.5, but I was not worried about speed.  I was worried about getting the distance in with no cramps!  I did a quick 1 mile run and I was done!  I felt good too.  If my legs, neck and shoulders had not been tired from all the biking, I think I could have done many more miles.  Maybe it was just the high I was on from not having any cramps or maybe it was the fact that I hydrated differently.......  Either way, I felt pumped.  I really needed that ride after last Saturday.   :>). 

Sunday - 10 mile run.  I did a very easy jog/walk around 7am.   It was calling for 100% humidity earlier than 7am so I waited a bit to go out.  It was still 88% humidity and I was drenched when I was done.  My sneakers are still soaking wet.  :>). I had thought about waiting until Sunday afternoon to run, but then we made plans to spend time with the grand kids so I needed to get my run over so we could get to Hattiesburg around brunch time.  :>).  We had a nice meal with the kids then went back to their house for the afternoon.  It was a good day!  They are growing up way too fast!! 

So this week ended up being much better than the past two.  Yay... I know not all weeks will be good though.  We all have hurdles we have to jump over.   We all have to decide do we quit or do we get up and try again.  I choose to keep moving forward.  I don't have my schedule yet for next week, but I think I'll have a 100 mile bike on tap.  oh boy... ha.   Now if I can just get God to blow in a cold front like the week of the race and cool off these temperatures I think that 144.6 miles would not be as rough cause I know it's not going to be an easy day to start with..... :>). 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

T-7 weeks till Ironman Chatty 144.6

A few weeks ago people would ask me how my training was going and it was going so well that I hated to say much thinking I might jinx it.  Then I started this countdown and discussing my workouts more openly and I swear things have started to kind of crash.  I thought after having a good week last week that the bad week I had before with the cramps was just a one time thing.  Well..... I was so WRONG! GRRRRRR.  I hope one day I'll get to the finish line and look back at all these notes on my journey to remind me what it took to get there.  

So here's my week:

Monday - 2,500 yard swim --- all went good and I was glad it wasn't a week with one over 3,000 yards.. hee hee

Tuesday - 45 minute bike trainer & 30 min run.  Not a in the morning and one in the evening.  I choose to run in the am and bike after work.  Oh did I say I LOVE my Peloton! Both workouts felt good.

Wednesday - 1,600 yard swim.  Oh how I love this distance.  It's pretty quick and easy.   Except when your coach puts in speed drills. LOL.  But seriously when I finish this ironman I'll probably still swim 2X a week.  It's good for you and it's a workout that easier on the old body.  

Thursday - 1 hour run ... first 30 easy... second 30 speed work.  I decided to do this after work.  I wished I had ran that am when I started running.  It was in the 90s with a heat index around 100.  I felt like a slow moving turtle.  I managed to get in the hour, but boy was it Hot.  I decided to run after work because I'll be running probably at that time of day during the ironman.  My body needs to be use to running at that time.  But boy this heat is no joke!  I was soaked with sweat.  

Friday - 90 mile bike followed by 1 mile run ..........  I had already planned a vacation day because I was supposed to be going to GA for an olympic TRI race on Saturday with some friends.  However, my daughter found out that her graduation was going to be on Saturday.  I couldn't go to GA and not be at her graduation.  So I kept the day of vacation and changed up my plans with my coach to do a long bike ... 90 miles on Friday so I could be off on Saturday to go to graduation and spend time with family and then do my long run on Sunday.  Well the bike did not go as I had planned!  I planned to do 2 45 mile loops.  Kind of a mock ironman which will be 2 loops also.  After loop one we will come back into a special needs area where we can leave a bag with food or whatever we desire.   So I packed me a peanut butter sandwich, coke (yes, I'm not a coke person but they say during the ironman race to take the coke, take the chicken broth, take whatever they offer to keep your body going) ... so I had packed me a half way bag.   The first loop actually went good.  I rode with my friend Jennifer.  We didn't stop for any rest breaks.  We basically only stopped at the turn around and stretched our necks for just a few seconds and were back off riding back in.  I started getting real hot before we got back in and slowed down letting Jenn get way ahead.  I just felt that I couldn't push it hard any more at the moment.  I was ready to get in to take a short break.  As I ate my sandwich and drank my coke, I felt much better.  I was ready to get the second 45 mile loop in and be done.   Jennifer started back a couple of minutes before me.  I told her I'd either catch up or we'd see each other along the way.  I was actually surprised for a Friday as to how many people were on the trace.  I guess several work night shifts or either they don't work... LOL. 

Anyway, I got 11 miles into the 2nd loop and my inner thigh started cramping.  I couldn't believe it.  By mile 57 my whole thigh was locking up and it was moving to my other leg.  I stopped and I barely could get off the bike.  My thigh cramped and was hard as a massive stone and it moved all the way down my left leg.  I just stood there taking deep breaths praying for it to ease up.  I also wanted to scream, cuss, kick, etc.  What the heck is going on!!! I was drinking a full bottle of tailwind every hour.  I was taking my e-gels every 30 minutes.  I was even licking my base salt!! Yes, I was soaking wet with sweat and very hot, but I felt like I was hydrating.  Finally the cramp eased up that I was able to get off the bike.  I sat down on the ground probably a good 20 minutes.  Every time I tried to stand back up my cramps would come back.  I was so upset.  Why now?? Why me?? What did I do wrong??? a million questions going through my head.  I finally texted Jennifer and told her I was turning around.  There was no way I was going to make it.  She told me she was almost at the turn around and to keep her posted.  I got back on the bike and made it 1 mile and both my legs locked up again.  It was all I could do to not wreck trying to get unclipped and off the bike.  I was walking like a stiff stick man.  So I just stood there as several people came by asking if I was ok.  I told them all that I just had a bad cramp.  I wanted to cry.  I sat another 15 minutes or so and was finally able to stand.  That's when Jennifer arrived.  She asked me what she needed to do.  I told her I'd just wait on her to go back to the vehicle and then come back and pick me up.  So she left on her way to finish her last 11 miles of the 90.  After she left I finally got back on the bike and was able to ride very slowly 6 miles to another stop along the trace.  I texted her and told her that was where I was at and she came to pick me up.  I was so beside myself!  I have not had any problems on the bike at all!  I had ridden 70 & 60 miles the previous weekends with not one issue.  I was proud of Jennifer.  She rode the longest distance she's ever ridden!  I ended up with 62 of the 90 miles I was supposed to ride. :(

I sat awhile at my vehicle and cooled off.  I wanted to take my bike to the shop to get it serviced since I was off work so I decided to go ahead and do that even though I was in no mood.  Jed knew we were riding and asked first thing how our ride went.  I told him mine had not gone well due to cramps.  He couldn't believe it.  Him and his wife run the bike shop.  He is a coach and coaches many bikers.  He was working on another person's bike so his wife started talking to me so he could get back to work.  She told me about this product I had never heard of.  She said it is all her and Jed use.  I told her I was willing to try anything to help with the cramps.  Last summer in all my biking I never had cramps and it was HOT then.  I'd doing the same nutrition so I can't figure out what is going on.  I ended up buying some of the product she suggested and will try it out.  It does have more sodium than my tailwind and it has magnesium. 



I went home and sat the rest of the afternoon in depression.  So many thoughts running through my head.  Is this a sign??? Do I need to quit??? Maybe I did start out dehydrated because I didn't drank a lot on Thursday night after my run before bed..... Why??  Why?? Why?? I'm not a quitter....but my mind sure did ask me if I needed to.  I mean I know at some point in my life I will have to quit.  I don't want to hurt my body.  But there are people in their 60s and 70s doing ironman so why shouldn't I be able to?   

My niece had a birthday party later that night and my sister was giving me a speech about it being 110 heat index during the day on Friday after I told her about me getting so hot and having cramps.  So maybe that's what it was.... I pushed to hard on that first loop.  I typically stop every 15-20 miles and take a bathroom break and make sure my water bottles are full.  Maybe staying in that bike position 2 1/2 hours before a real break and the heat just took a toll on me.  That's what I'm hoping for!  I guess next weekend when I attempt another long bike, I will see what happens.  I will test this new product and take more breaks.  I know I need to take care of myself in this heat especially when you are out in it for hours.  And we have been under a heat warning all weekend! 

Saturday - REST DAY.... Yippie.  Hamstrings very sore! UGH. But I wouldn't miss my daughter's graduation for anything!  I'm so happy that my coach arranged my schedule so I could have family time.  Nothing comes before my kids!  Very proud of this little girl working on her Masters while working full time as a teacher.!  You rock ERIN WOOD! LOVE You!

Erin and my mom! LOVE THEM

Sunday - 18 mile run - The anticipation leading up to this run was really getting to me.  It's all I could think about Saturday night.  Would I be able to do 18 without cramps.??... how would I feel?? I really watched what I drank on Saturday and that evening I drank a full bottle of the replay stuff.  I wanted to be hydrated.   Sunday morning at 4:45am came early.  I was up having my coffee and making sure I had all my supplies for my run.  I wanted to get an early start due to the heat index and possible thunderstorms later in the afternoon.  I was shocked but I got my 18 miles in.  Now it wasn't pretty!  My hamstrings are so very sore from the cramps on the bike.  I did a very slow jog/walk program and stuck to it the entire time.  I stopped at every rest stop along the way and stretched.  No cramps! Yippie!  Now there were times that I thought one was about to come on because my calves would start getting very tight.   I would just walk some and kept drinking.  It was HOT.  I was soaked.  I could feel sweat dripping off the back of my shorts onto my legs as I jogged.  I had to constantly wipe the sweat off my face.  My watched started beeping low battery.  I don't know why I didn't charge my watch on Saturday.  I guess I was too focused on worrying bout the cramps that I forgot.  It finally died around mile 14 or so.  I was like oh no!!! I want this dang 18 miles recorded!! 

However, I had planned my route so that when I got back to my vehicle I would be at 18 miles.  So I finished, but don't have a full recording of it! Dang it!  

I will say to end the week on a positive note makes me feel so much better!  I hated missing church, but I had my own church while running.  Believe me there was lots of prayers going up for myself and so many others.  I kept my music on nothing but praise music.  It kept me going and I'm glad to be done so I can rest up this afternoon before going back to work tomorrow.  Training for an Ironman is no joke.   Especially when you work full time.  There is no time for the long workouts that you must get in to be ready except for the weekend.   Just 8 more weeks..... Just 8 more weeks....  that's what I keep telling myself.  Just hang in there and soon you'll be at the race.  :>). 

For now I think I need a little soak and a nap. :>). Happy training to you! 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

T-8 Weeks till Ironman Chatty 144.6 & Blues, Bikes, & Bayous bike ride 8-3-19

And the countdown continues....... 

I can NOT believe it is AUGUST already!  I swear the older I get the faster time flies by!!

A snap shot of my week's training:

Monday - REST (Yippie...needed it after that 70 mile bike and 17 mile run that ended in cramps!)

Tuesday -  3.800 yard swim .... for those of you that don't know how far that is... well that is 2.2 miles!  Just 2/10 shy of the 2.4 I have t swim for the ironman race.  I did it in 1 1/2 hours so if all goes well on race day I should make the 2 hour 20 minute time limit for the 2.4 miles.  

Wednesday - 35 min bike followed by 1 hour run

Thursday - 45 min run

Friday - 1,600 yard swim

Saturday - Bike ride in Greenwood, Ms (more on this coming) 62 miles

Sunday - 8 mile run

Whew... just like that another week done.  It took my calves until Thursday before I could walk without them hurting.  Those cramps last weekend really did a toll on my calves.  There was a lot of massaging and rolling last week.   :). I was so happy that by Friday I finally felt normal when simply walking at the office.  LOL.  I managed my runs during the week by taking it very easy..... jogging with walk intervals.   Today on my 8 mile run, I had no issues.  Yippie!  

The week really flew by.  Before I knew it the day was Friday.

Dummy me had thought Greenwood was like 2 hours away so I had not booked a room early for the Saturday bike ride.  When I looked at the map and realized it was 3 hours and 20 minutes away I decided I really needed to go on Friday and stay over night otherwise I was going to have to get up at 2am to make it on time.   I searched and searched for a room close by.  Finally found one at a Roadway Inn.  I figured it couldn't be that bad so I booked it and headed out after work on Friday.  Let's just say I was shocked when I arrived around 8:45pm and found the hotel.  It looked very old, but I saw many vehicles with bike racks so I figured how bad could it be.  Well....... OMG ..... the smell was so old and musty!  The carpet looked like it had been in there for 100 years!  I almost left after seeing my room, but knew I wouldn't be able to find anything else close especially at that time of night .... Plus I was alone and just wanted to get settled with a locked door and try to get some sleep before the bike ride.   Months ago when I signed up there were several of us that discussed going.  But life happens and everyone had things going on so it was just me.  Which y'all know me.... I'm very independent and do many things on my on.  LOL. 

Anyway, I did not sleep much at all.  I tossed and turned and wished I could not smell that old musty smell.  I think I finally dozed at 2am!  Alarm went off at 5am.  I had to be at the location and pick up my packet by 6am because the ride started at 7am.   The ride is known as one of Mississippi's biggest cycling events.  Last year they had 1,018 riders!  I never heard how many they had this year, but there were a TON of bikers!  I was there by 5:30am and had an awesome parking place directly by the finish line.  I was also excited when I saw several Hattiesburg riders that usually ride with Jed's group from Perfect Endurance bikes.  I started sweating just standing while waiting to start.  All the body temperatures around and the humidity.  I knew I was going to have to make sure I stayed hydrated!  

Love our shirts. 

Soon it was 7am and the 62 milers were starting first.  They told us the first couple of miles before getting out of town had very bad roads so to use caution and stay slow until we were out of downtown.  Someone had told me that they had heard the course was hilly.  I had not really studied the map so I had no idea.  I soon learned though that it was very flat!  We only had one hill... a bridge to cross when going out of town and then it was flat as a pancake the rest of the way.  Nothing but acres and acres of corn and beans for days.  It was pretty.

We were not very far into the race and we came up on the first wreck of the day.  I think we had been around 20 miles or so.  I was averaging 19 mph.  It was a big intersection.  We had to cross highway 82.  I could see several bikers sitting on the side of the road and some other people standing around.  I heard the biker ahead of me ask if all was ok and someone said yes, so I quit looking at them and focused on the intersection.  There was an officer parked there directing bikers across.  I slowed down and unclipped one foot just in case I had to come to a complete stop and then the officer waved me across so I went on.  I had no idea until I got home that night that a biker was hit by a truck at that intersection and died.   Now it keeps running through my head as to whether he was there when I passed by.  I feel bad I didn't stop myself to see if everyone was ok.  I remember seeing so many out the corner of my eye.  I remember seeing a bike tire laying on the road.  It had to of been not too long after it happen because they said he was in the 62 mile group and they pronounced him dead at 8:30am.   My heart just breaks!  I've heard so many stories concerning the accident.  I don't know what happen.  What I do know is that it is a tragedy.   I'm sure he had a family.  He had a life.  They need our prayers instead of everyone debating and fussing over what happen.  Maybe he did have his ear buds on and didn't heed the officers warning to stop, or maybe the officer was in his car at the time instead out standing like he was when I came through, or maybe the truck didn't even slow down.... I don't know.  Let's just pray for his family.  I would have prayed for him as I rode if I had stopped long enough to realize it was a serious accident because around mile 40 I came up on another wreck.  This was a group of bikers that had just passed me.  They were all drafting and yelled to me for me to jump on the train.  I almost did because by mile 40 my legs were getting tired.  Yes, a flat course can be very fast, but you get no downhill for a break from peddling.  You are basically peddling the whole time.  I don't know what happen exactly except that 3 of them went down.  I did stop and one of the guys had hit his head so they had called the ambulance.  I don't know where the ambulance was stationed, but it was there in like 5 minutes it seemed.  It was quick.  As I left the scene to finish my ride, I prayed constantly for those riders to be ok.  I just wish I had known there was another rider that I should of prayed for also.  

As for the ride, it was very well organized.  The aid stations were awesome.  I took pictures at one.  They had frozen pickle juice and a fountain flowing with pickle juice.  Yummie!

I saw my friends from Jed's several times.  They were in groups drafting.  Heck... everyone was drafting.  There were 3-4 friends all drafting all around me.  When I finished one group of Jed's group had also just finished.  They asked to take my picture.  I tried to get them to take a group picture, but they laughed and said that I deserved a picture since I had rode the course all alone doing all the work.  I didn't draft in any groups.  So I let them take my picture.  :).   The medals were real nice too! Plus we got a cold towel with a cold chocolate mile at the finish line!

I walked through the post party and grabbed food and went to my vehicle to change and drive home.    I didn't hang around so I didn't hear any news of the guy dying until later that evening.  Just so sad!  Last weekend a woman biker was killed at the Ironman in Ohio.  I don't know what all happen.  I heard she ventured out of the cones onto the side of the road that was open to the cars and was struck by a truck.  So very sad!  I hope that everyone... that means bikers and vehicles will take the time to drive or ride with caution.  Show each other respect.  

So that's a wrap on my week.  Greenwood is a cute little town.  They had bikes decorated all over downtime.  We finished down by the river.

I got me a good 1 1/2 hour nap today!  Something I rarely do... yep Frank Barrett... I do stop occasionally.. hee hee 

This coming week is another big week with a 90 mile bike and 18 mile run.  Praying for strength, endurance and most of all God's grace. :>)

Happy training... 

My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...