Tuesday, October 29, 2019

If you don't succeed the first time..... TRY AGAIN...

This has got to be one of the best quotes I've heard lately! 

"If you're ahead of schedule, don't worry = believe.  If you're behind, don't panic - roll with it.  Everyone comes up with a brilliant race plan for Ironman, and then everyone has to deal with the reality that planning for something like Ironman is like trying to land a man on the moon.  By remote control. Blindfolded." 

Can I get an AMEN! :>) 

So I haven't told many people, but I'm headed to attempt another full Ironman.  Yep, this weekend!

I'm a barrel of nerves right now!! I want to puke!  I think mainly it's all the time limit cutoffs!  If I just had the plain 17 hours to do it all in that wouldn't bother me so much.  I know I might be slow in one thing, but I could make it up in another.  However, there's multi cutoffs... swim cut offs..., several bike cut offs... like mile 68,  mile 93, finish time at 112 miles, then there are run cutoffs.... you could have your chip taken at any time that you don't make that cutoff.   That's what is totally doing a dozy on my nerves.  They really need to change the first sentence in the Athlete guide that says, "Each Athlete, regardless of what time they enter the water, will have 17 hours to complete the entire race course.".... because right after that sentence then they go into swim cut-off, bike cut-off, and run cut-off details!  I keep telling myself this is an Ironman... it's gonna be HARD.  Suck it up!!! Just think about how many people actually attempt one!!! You go to a marathon and there is 20,000 - 30,000 racers at these big marathons.  You go to an ironman and there is like 2,500 racers.   I'm not saying a marathon is easier because a marathon is hard all on it's own.  I'm just saying that way less people attempt a full ironman.  Guess they are only a few extreme crazy people. ha!  

After Chatty my coach suggested going to Louisville or Cozumel while I'm trained and before the year ends.  My cousin did Louisville and she said the bike course was tough.  It has a bigger elevation gain than Chatty.  She said she saw so many walking the hills with their bikes.  So I didn't let that race even tempt me.  LOL  I would have LOVED to go to Cozumel, but I knew I couldn't get my whole family there.  It would mean plane tickets, etc.  I've already spent enough money in Chatty and Christmas is right around the corner.  Florida was also a option for a full ironman coming up in November and it kept creeping up in my mind.  I did the half ironman in May at the same place, Panama City Beach, FL, that the full is going to take place.  I asked Lisa, my coach, why she didn't mention it to me and she said exactly what I was thinking in my own mind .... OCEAN swim.   You just never know what you'll get with an ocean swim... jelly fish.. rip currents...high waves.. you name it!.  The half ironman in May was TOUGH!! My mom had said the pros came out of the water cussing and I remember when I finally got out of the water I felt like I had been in a washing machine on the agitate cycle the entire time and my time sucked.  YIKES.  

Even still the race in November kept wandering into my thoughts with me asking myself should I or shouldn't I.  I also had several people texting me telling me they would take up money and send me if I would just go.  I told them all NO.  I'm not taking money from people.  LOL  and It wasn't like I didn't have the money...... It's just I was in a very dark place after my DNF at Chatty.   I kept playing it over and over in my head.  I'm sure it's similar to a football team who has won every game and they go into the final BIG game and come up short and lose.  I'm sure they all go home and play it over and over in their heads saying "what if and asking why".....  We are all human.  :>)  

Finally after like 2 weeks I decided what the heck.  I'm trained.  I'm ready.  Let's do it before the year ends.   So I signed up.  The swim was also canceled at Louisville the same weekend I signed up for Florida.  Boy I was glad I didn't sign up for Louisville.  Now there are several people that did Louisville that have signed up for Florida.  So many that the Florida race is now sold out.  So many of us just wanting that full ironman finish this year.  :>)  

So I'll leave on Thursday with my mom headed to Florida.  My kids will come down on Friday after work.  I couldn't ask everyone to take off work again.  Especially since they are all going to Memphis with me in December for the St. Jude marathon weekend.  The ironman race is on Saturday this time.  Gary will not be going.  I really didn't bug him about going this time because Thursday, October 31st is the anniversary of his son's death.  And even though he would tell me that we can't just sit around and do nothing...Plus he says that we really lost Drew on the 23 the day of his accident and that we just had to wait a full week for them to confirm he was gone. I kind of hate I have to leave that day.  Drew would want us to move forward.  He would not want us sitting around sad all the time.  I had hoped they would have athlete check in on Friday and I wouldn't have to leave on Thursday, but they don't.  I must check in on Thursday if I'm going to race.  It's been 2 years since Drew's death and it still seems like yesterday.  Monday Taylor texted and said they'll mention Drew in Saturday's mass at her church this weekend.  I'll miss that. :(   I didn't realize they would do that every year.  We don't do things like that at the Methodist church.  I'm glad Gary will be going and will be with the girls, but I'm also sad I won't be with him.  

The forecast is calling for a chilly morning on Saturday.  With beach weather you might as well not look till the night before.. ha  Monday & Tuesday this week there were double red flags at the beach.  I'm praying the water will be calm by Saturday (2.4 miles is a long time in rough waters!), that the wind will be a tailwind and that it won't be freezing on the bike.  I know it will be chilly coming out of a swim and getting on the bike in 50 degrees if that forecast holds, but I should warm up once I get going.  I just don't want it below 50.... or above 75 .. hee hee...  a girl can dream can't she? :>)   I really should count my blessing after that 105 heat index at Chatty. :>) 

So what did I do last week to get ready for another Ironman?. Well it was TAPER week so it was an easy week:

Monday - 1,600 yard swim
Tuesday - 1 hour bike
Wednesday - 40  min run
Thursday - 1,400 year swim
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 30 mile bike... due to rain storm and wind that came in... I moved this to Sunday
Sunday - 21 mile bike followed by 5 mile run for a nice short brick.  Weather was cool and I felt great!  Maybe I needed that 2 day rest.... :>)  

Current week

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 20 min swim, 30 min bike, 30 min run (plan to test the long sleeve wetsuit in the pool... if the forecast holds.. I may want my sleeves to swim... )
Wednesday - 15 min swim, 25 min bike, 15 min run
Thursday - swim on site (will see if others are doing this), 15 min bike check
Friday - 10 min leg check
Saturday - RACE day

So if you are reading this.... please pray for Gary and all the Claytons as the anniversary of Drew's death is upon us, pray for my dear sweet friends Penny & Be that will be headed to NYC to run the NYC marathon on Sunday, Krista & Brittany (doing her 1st half!) along with some of their friends that are going to Pensacola for a half marathon on Sunday and then pray for me & all the other racers on Saturday to have a safe injury free race with no DNF. :>) 

Much love to all of you!!  I debating on posting this or not.  It was just so disappointing when I DNF at IMCHOO with all the people tracking me.  However, I don't consider myself a failure.... I just beat myself up for not finishing especially since it was truly my fault for taking my time on the bike!  Failure is only when you don't try.  I will keep trying and pushing forward.  As Rocky would say... "It's not about how hard you get hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."  (or something like that) ... I plan to keep moving forward! 

From Sanctus Real -  "Confidence"

"So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den, Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness, Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense, So I can face my giants with confidence" ... 

This Ironman time cutoffs is my GIANTS... :>) So with God beside me... I'll face my giants with confidence. :>)  

My giants... time cutoffs:

Swim 2.4 miles - 2 hours 20 min
9:40am Last bike out of transition
2:32pm first turnaround on bike at mile 68
4:19pm mile 93 on bike
5:40pm bike course closes ... all bikes in
5:50pm Last runner out of transition to start run
9pm first loop of run 13.1 miles
10:27pm mile 19 of run
 All (Swim + Bike + Run = 140.2 miles) within 17 hours. 

Oh and I have added "time of day" to my watch face on my Garmin this time!  I don't know why I didn't have it on my watch face before.  I guess I've always just looked at pace, miles, etc.   This time I will have those plus time of day so I can hopefully keep up with these time cutoffs.  

Plus I discussed my fear of all these time limits with my coach Tuesday night and she ran several scenarios showing me how I could make the cutoffs so I feel much better.  Thank you Lisa for doing that!   

Let's do this 140.2 miles!  I'm ready!  I'm trained! I can do this! God is my source of strength!


My total mileage this year so far:
Run 681.8 miles
Swim 107.0 miles
Bike 2,278.0 miles

I've been a busy girl. :<>)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can you believe it's almost HALLOWEEN!!!

Halloween is right around the corner! 

I use to love Halloween.  I've always loved dressing up and handing out candy on my front porch to all the little kids, but since Drew's passing Halloween is just not the same for us.  Matter of fact today is the anniversary of Drew's accident.  All weekend Drew was heavy on Gary's mind.  Gary and I went to a wedding Saturday night and I noticed he was just not himself.  He wasn't eating or really smiling at all.  I finally asked him what was wrong.  I knew it wasn't me forcing him to go to the wedding because I had not and was shocked when he got dressed to go with me.  He said the wedding was nice and he was glad everyone was so happy, but all he could think about was Drew's 3 girls and how one day they'll be getting married and he won't be here to walk them down the isle.  I felt so bad for even asking him what was wrong.  I didn't know what to say.  There just aren't any words!  Needless to say we didn't stay long at the reception.  

So the next few days leading up to the 3lst are just a reminder now to us of the week we sat with Drew in the hospital until he took his last breath on the 31st.  Life is so unfair sometimes.  My heart breaks not only for the Claytons, but for so many others that have lost a child.  It's just not right!  

My only hope in this all is that I know God is still here.  He's my ANCHOR. 

Love this song by Skillet... Anchor:
here's the lyrics:

"Drifting beneath the horizon
Body is weak but I'm trying
To make it to shore, but I'm falling short
I need You more
Wave after wave, I've been sinking
So unto Your promise I'm clinging
You say that I'm strong, to You I belong
Keep holding on
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now
You are my anchor
You're keeping my feet on the ground
In angry oceans, You've never broken through
Every wave of the storm
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now
Come steady me, steady me now
When I get tired of finding
All of the fears I've been hiding
You gave me a breath, and tell me to rest
You never left
I can, I can, I can hear You, calling me by name
Pulling me up from under my shame
I'll never be the same
I can face anything, so let it rain
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now
You are my anchor
You're keeping my feet on the ground
In angry oceans, You've never broken through
Every wave of the storm
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now
Come steady me, steady me now
Don't let go
I don't want to do this alone
Don't let go
I know that I'll drown on my own
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now (I don't want to do this alone)
You're keeping my feet on the ground (I know that I'll drown on my own)
In angry oceans, You've never broken through
Every wave of the storm
You are my anchor
So steady me, steady me now
Come steady me, steady me now"

So I  just keep leaning on him.  I'm continuing my training.  Actually my exercising really helps.  I so wish Gary had a hobby.  

My week last week:

Monday -  Swim 3,600 yards - I had to cut it short to 3,000 yards.  It was a holiday for the schools and the kids came in to practice for South State.  

Tuesday - Rest Day

Wednesday - Swim 2,000 yards

Thursday - Run 45 min, bike 45 min (only got the run in... ended up working late and had a terrible headache)

Friday - Rest day

Saturday - 3 hour bike followed by 2 mile brick run (it was a cool morning and it was COOL on the bike... boy it's been awhile since I didn't sweat down on the bike! ha)

Sunday - 1 hour 30 min run

Keep moving forward is my motto... Ironman Florida is coming up fast.  Hoping for a nice race day!  Calm waters and not much wind on the bike!  I doubt I'll get both...but a girl sure can hope. :) 

I also love this song by  Francesca Battistelli... The breakup song.. the chorus that I love:

"Fear, you don't own me
There ain't no room in this story
And I ain't got time for you
Telling me what I'm not
Like you know me well guess what?
I know who I am
I know I'm strong
And I am free
Got my own identity
So fear, you will never be welcome here

So Fear you aren't welcome at IM Florida!! D

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Just a simple girl loving life and God

Life goes on... what's that saying they always used on Grey's Anatomy?  ... "The carousel never stops turning." .. that's it.. that's what Meredith's mother always told her.  That's how I feel most days.  Work continues and everyone is continuing doing their own things.  Life just keeps turning.  I'm sitting on my porch hearing the ping from the baseball bat next door.  I look out at that father and son and want to shout to him.... take it all in.. cause that boy will be grown in a blink of an eye!  Life just keeps moving...

I had a lot to catch up on at work this past week after being off for 6 days.  It was a very LONG week.  And I was really surprised that not many coworkers came to tell me how sorry they were about the race... instead they came telling me how proud they were of me, etc.  I felt much love.  I'm truly blessed.  I was so exhausted on Monday from our 16 hour drive home that I hurt all over and I also did a 2,400 yard swim on Monday!  Yep, back at it.  Who knows I may be trying for another Ironman soon.  So I gotta keep the training going and be ready.  :>). 

There was a funny being shared on FB this week saying daughters turn into their mothers when they reached their 30s.   I had a laugh.  Erin already tells me the she has noticed things since living on her on in which she is just like me.  She says she guesses she will maybe start running when she turns 30 for real.  LOL.   She'll be 30 next year.  I told her not to worry because I didn't even start running until I was like 40 years old!  

My coach finally got to complete her dream.  She's been working for Ironman World Championships in Hawaii since 2012 and yesterday she completed her journey!  I'm so happy for her and it made me think that I didn't do my first marathon until 2011 (at the age of 45!)! That's just 8 years ago.  I've done a lot over those 8 years so I don't need to let this Ironman Chatty define me.  

Since I was back home and back at my computer I downloaded my Garmin data from the bike ride at Chatty.  I was shocked at how much time I lost with all my stops at the aid stations!!! Did I tell you that at then half way point I stopped, parked my bike, and opened my can of Vienna sausage and ate them while talking to the volunteer!!  I lost basically 30 minutes!! So you know what that means???? I could have made that dang time cutoff with easy riding!   Yes, I was saying in my head take it easy. Don't have a heat stroke with the 105 heat index and save your legs on the bike for the run.  You can even tell in my race photos that I was having a good old time... lots of smiles. :>).   In my crazy brain after my good swim time, I just ASSUMED I had plenty of time on the bike and didn't think of the time cutoff even though I did know there was one and I had even wrote it down.  I just totally forgot about it.  I won't do that next time.  Something else may get me or keep me from finishing, but it won't be me not thinking of time cutoffs. :>).  Lesson learned! 

And all the training has not been for nothing.  I've learned so much!  I never dreamed I could swim 2.4 miles in open water!  I've now done that 3Xs.  I would have never dreamed I could bike 100+ miles and I've done that several times.  But I sure didn't do it alone!  God has been beside me the whole time.  I give him all the glory!

Here's a few of the bike race photos.   

And here's what my week consisted of last week:

Monday - 2,400 yard swim
Tuesday - 1 hour bike
Wednesday - 4,000 yard swim
Thursday - 1 hour tempo run
Friday - Rest day
Saturday - 100 mile bike
Sunday - 16 mile run

So yes, tonight my legs are toast.  I'm tired.  But I also feel good that I was able to get it all done.  I'm glad I didn't sign up for Louisville Ironman which was today because the swim was canceled due to toxic algae in the water.  I feel bad for all those first timers at the race.  Maybe Ironman Florida in November will be a good one.  I hear several are now registering for it to try to get it done.  Guess we'll wait and see.  

Happy training! I've got so many friends that are getting ready for either the MCM (Marine Corps Marathon) or NYC marathon.  Two of my Team Run4TheKids teammates are doing NYC! And one of the fastest runners in Hattiesburg.  I know they will all kick butt!  Wishing them all the best.  Those are 2 of my favorite races!! and I've got St. Jude and Miss Gulf Coast marathons coming up in December!  Oh and a 12k in November at the Battleship with friends.  The training never stops... :>).  They say the easiest way to get over one race is to hurry up and sign up for another one. :>). 


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

76 year old blind Triathlete -- Charlie does IMCHOO (his 9th IM)

I wanted to share this story so I can refer back to it in the future without having to trace it down on FB. :>)  So happy my kids got to see Charlie finish the race in Chattanooga! :>) 

From Matt Miller --- IMCHOO with Charlie

"I am getting bombarded with tons of questions from athletes who raced on Sunday as to how Charlie (76 year old blind athlete) was able to complete the course 17:11. Over the limit, but still crossed the finish line. If you are up for a little nutrition education on what a 76 year old did to complete the race, read below.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below and I will try to answer them. I am not a doctor or EMT or nurse, I just spend 365 days a year helping athletes be their best with nutrition.

My opinion, it all came down to nutrition, because if you follow me or know anything about BASE, I am at a race every weekend. So here is our Background. I completed 2 60 miles rides since April, 1 run over 10 miles, and I rarely swim. I have a 7 month old, and I run BASE. I live in Colorado.
Charlie is 76 years old. Blind. Lives on Long Island. Has ridden a bike outdoors 2 times since 2012. The first was Chatt 70.3. The second was Sunday. He does not have access to adapt to training in heat. He doesn't have access to running outside. He literally goes to a YMCA, spins his legs on an exercise bike, and walks on a treadmill. He can't "run" on a treadmill (close your eyes and try it)
Here is what our entire day was. It was mirror images for both of us.

Breakfast - 4:30 - Instant oatmeal with Almond Butter. 4 Hard Boiled eggs. Banana. Coffee. 1 bottle of BASE Rocket Fuel mixture (3 scoops BASE Hydro, 3 Scoops BASE Salt, 1 scoop BASE Amino Acids)

Transition while setting bike up - 8 thumb licks BASE Salt.
20 Minutes before swim - 1 BASE Gel with 12 ounces Water
Swim - 1:14

T1 - 25 ish minutes (we did a full change into cycle gear. It takes a very very long time when you can't see all of your gear)
Bike - 7:30
We each drank 8 bottles of BASE rocket fuel concoction (3 scoops BASE Hydro, 3 scoops BASE salt, 1 scoop BASE Amino) this equates to 270 calories, 9 grams amino acids, and 1800 ish mgs of sodium)

Out on the bike, every 30 minutes like clock work, we each took 4-6 thumb licks of BASE salt (60 mg each time)
On the 30 minutes, we each ate a complete BASE Bar for about 200 calories (solid food) I absolutely 100% do not believe in "liquid nutrition" (pro tip - go to work one day of this week. Pick any day. Bring 8 bottles of gatorade. Or whatever liquid nutrition you drink. drink one bottle on the hour, every hour, 300 calories per hour, and after 8 hours, see how you feel. If you can't "function at work off of liquid calories, how will you do it in an Ironman"

On the hour of every hour, we ate a BASE gel (120 calories)
At every aid station, I grabbed one bottle of water. We shared it with sips, pouring the rest on our head.
If you look at the tandem pic below, you will see we are loaded with water bottles of our nutrition. We utilized special needs, and had 8 bottles waiting for us, plus a fresh supply of 6 more bars and 6 more gels

Run - 7:30 ish - 3-4 thumb licks base salt every aid station no matter what. (60 ish mg per lick, 180-240 per aid station) = about 5200 mg, even when the sun went down. Half of a base bar from odd numbered aid stations. 1 cup of coke and 1 cup of water at every aid station. Pour lots and lots of water on the head. We did not touch one cup of Gatorade the entire run, or bike. Special needs, I had 2 bottles of our BASE rocket fuel concoction waiting for us. We each consumed probably 4 gu gels on the run (I didn't have access to my base gels)

As soon as we finished, I took Charlie to the med tent to get his vitals checked. He was perfect. All vitals were in order. They did nothing for him or to him.

He is 76 years old. Blind. Never, ever trains outside. Doesn't have a coach. Doesn't know what training peaks is. Has never heard of a Wahoo kickr. Doesn't have Facebook. None of the stuff we have access to. He trusted me to put a nutrition plan together so he could get through the incredibly hot day.

It is possible if you do the right things. Everyone says for years and years, Nutrition is the 4th discipline of racing. IT IS. Charlie is the perfect example. It doesn't have to be this hard.
If you can nail your nutrition, you can finish any race. Some negative Nancy's will say "well he technically didn't finish because he was 17:11." Whatever. You try doing Sunday's entire course with your eyes closed and let me know how you feel.

In closing. this is not an advertisement for BASE. But... you can technically substitute any of the products I mentioned with ones you like. Just take more of it.

Sodium retains water
Water transports blood plasma
Blood plasma transports oxygen
Oxygen which is needed for the vital organs (Heart, brain, lungs, etc)

But during Sunday's race, we are all pushing our 3 largest muscles (quads, hamstrings, glutes)

So all of the blood and oxygen is getting pushed to those places, but the body still needs oxygen to go to the Brain. To the lungs. To the heart. You can't go 10 seconds without oxygen to the brain. Or oxygen to the lungs. Or heart. But..... you can can up to 25 ish days without eating. The stomach and digestive track are non-vital. So your body is smart. When you get into electrolyte depletion, your body will slowly dim the lights and slowly shut down non vital organs (stomach) and then you go into a tailspin (don't get me started on trying to swallow salt pills when all of that shuts down as it won't process) So, the key to all of that is keeping your sodium levels crazy high. Keep the stomach working. Keep the calories going in. Keep the energy up. Keep the gi track working.

Charlie nor I had any intestinal issues whatsoever the entire day. And we are not pros.
You will not. Under any circumstances, take in too much sodium (electrolytes) during a race or training. If you do, your kidneys will process it out through your sweat. But if you take in too few, it will come kick you in the ass later on.

That's it for me. Hope you enjoyed the reading as many people have asked what Charlie's nutrition plan was for the day."

Thanks to Matt for sharing this I inspiring story!  


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

IMCHOO .... or should I say a big fat DNF 9-29-2019

Day 3 after my big fat DNF and I’m still in shock.  I feel numb.  I would have never dreamed that I would miss a bike cutoff.  I keep looking back at my Garmin data at my bike pace and saying what the HELL.  Excuse the language, but I’ve never biked that slow for any event or practice ride!!  I remember looking at my watch during the race and thinking my Garmin must of been off or that I had hit the wrong sitting.   I just couldn’t believe 13.5 mph pace!!  I sure didn’t feel that I was going that slow!  

So let me start from the beginning…….

Gary and I arrived in Chattanooga on Friday around lunch time.  We had to wait for our room to be ready so we grabbed lunch across the street.  It felt so surreal seeing all the Little Debbie Ironman signs all over town.  There were even billboards as we drove into town.  My stomach was doing flips.  I was so ready to do this race finally.  It had been a long 2 years!

There was a 3pm first timer briefing that I wanted to get to so we quickly unloaded all my stuff and I walked down to the river for the briefing.  It was 97 degrees!  We had 4 coaches talk at the briefing.  They all stressed that due to the heat and such a high DNF rate back in 2016 when the temps were very similar (90s with heat index of 100) that we needed to dial down our bike pace.  They said if we didn’t we would never make the run and survive the heat.  They also stressed that we needed to be already ramped up on hydration.  I had been doing this all week.  I was ready for the heat.  I’ve trained in the heat all summer long in South Mississippi!  The briefing ended up being most a Q & A session.  After the briefing I quickly got checked in and was all teary eyed when the lady put on my wristband.  

Gary and I were both in the bed early on Friday.  Lisa, my coach had said try to sleep and rest Friday night because you know you won’t sleep much on Saturday night.  I actually slept really good.  I was excited my family would be arriving on Saturday. 

Since I missed the regular athletic briefing at 2pm before the 1st timer briefing, I made a note to go to the one at 10am on Saturday after the 9:30am prayer group at the river.  I was so glad a made the prayer group.  It was a small group of us.  Several shared their favorite bible verses and several prayed.  I felt so at ease.  Gary and I had walked around town a little earlier that morning and the river looked so peaceful.  I wasn’t nervous about the swim at all.  I was looking forward to getting the race started.   

So at the 10am athletic briefing they went over logistics of the buses, etc.  They went into much more detail on the race than the 1st timer briefing.  I was glad I went to both.  He also stressed again like the coaches had done to not go out on the bike all out…. he said dial it in and take your time.  He also said it’s a fast course so don’t use all your energy on the bike in the heat.  They also announced they were bringing in cooling buses to have along the bike route for people that might need to cool down.  They were doing everything to try to prevent the 2016 high DNF rate.  They even stressed that even though the race was going to be wetsuit optional to ditch the wetsuit.  I still planned to wear mine.  Not sure why I felt the need when I had just swam in the GA river 2.4 miles without one a couple weeks before for the 2nd time.  But several of my friends had told me if it was wetsuit optional to wear the wetsuit… especially with it being my first full so that was my plan.  Lisa had even told me to just make sure I was good and hydrated since I was wearing it.  So I did.  I drank all day for days leading up to the race. 

My family arrived around lunch time on Saturday.  We all went to lunch together.  I was so excited they were all there to see me.  I couldn’t wait to cross that finish line and them see me being announced as an ironman.   We had fun Saturday afternoon and then Erin put on all my number tattoos for the race.  My packet had an extra set of my race numbers in case you messed up while putting them on.  She decided she wanted my number on her arm.  It was so cute.  We all had a good laugh!  I felt so relaxed.  

I got off my feet and in the bed early on Saturday night.  To my surprise I feel asleep pretty fast.  But then I woke up around 1am and the worry started.  It was all worry about the heat.  I kept telling myself to just slow down on the bike and all would be good.  Little did I know that it would cost me in the race!! 

So 4am came early on Sunday.  I got up and had my small cup of coffee and started my oatmeal, peanut butter, and hydrating.  I made it down to transition around 5:15am and pumped my tires up.  They had told us to not pump them up on Saturday when we checked our bikes in due to the heat so they wouldn’t pop over night.  I got all my nutrition stuff ready.  I was glad I carried my own bike pump down.  So many other people asked to borrow it.  Apparently there were only a few at the bike aid station.   I took the bike pump back to the room since our room was like 5 minutes from transition.  Gary was still in the bed asleep.  ha.    I then went to catch the bus to take us to the swim start.  My family planned to just wait at the swim exit to see me so I went alone.  So many took their entire family.  It was still pitch dark!  Kids were crying and people were chatting all around me.  I just sat there in silence waiting for the start hoping I would not get too hot in my wetsuit.  My plan was to just swim slow and steady.  Normally the river has a really nice current on race day so I hoped to not spend to much energy on my swim.  Little did I know what was about to happen…..

The swim start went pretty fast.  I was surprised how fast the line was moving.  Soon it was my turn to jump in.  It seemed that I hadn’t even gotten 100 yards and I was so out of breath and burning up.  I told myself to calm down.  The river sure wasn’t calm now.  People were all over kicking and splashing.  I had people touching me on both sides.  I said oh heck no…. and moved further out away from people.  It seemed to be taking forever to get from buoy to buoy and I was so HOT and that dang wetsuit was choking me.  At one point I tried to unzip it and swallowed a ton of water so I gave up and said just keep moving.  By the time I finished I was so wore out.  My chest felt so heavy.  I had a great swim time but felt so tired.  I swam the 2.4 miles in 1 hour 29 minutes.  I beat that 2 hour 20 minute time limit so I was pumped and never even had a thought about missing a cutoff after my good swim time….. but little did I know it was coming!!! My family captured these pictures of me coming out of the swim.  

A full ironman is so different than a half ironman.  After the swim we were directed into a changing tent where we were handed our bike gear bag. 

I quickly put on my shoes and helmet and the volunteer put on my arm sleeves.  I was dying to pee.  I tried to go while swimming but it just wouldn’t come.  So I left the tent and went to the porta potty.   It felt like I was in there forever peeing.  Then I made it to my bike.  I was shocked to find my water bottle still frozen!! I had left it by my bike that morning so it would thaw some so I could pour it in my bottle mounted on my handle bars.  I had it filled with my scratch nutrition.  Well me and the volunteer tried to get the ice cube out of the bottle and into my handlebar bottle.  It wouldn’t budge so I asked her if they still had some water.  She said yes and went to get a bottle of water.  I was furious.  Now I had to wait for water and then I had to mix a packet of my tailwind that I had in my nutrition bag for later.  All this took up so much time and my T1 ended up being 16 minutes!!! I had looked at my watch and I was at 10 minutes when I got to my bike which is about normal for a full ironman especially with the distance we had to walk or run from the swim to get to the transition changing tent and our bikes.   

Now I was finally out on the bike.  I still felt so heavy in the chest.  My heart was pounding.  I still felt so tired.  I told myself just give it a few miles and things will settle down.  They had told us that the first 8-10 miles going out of town was very bad roads and to ride slow.  I saw so many people changing flats.  I was so glad I was riding slow and watching for all the debris on the road.  I told myself my pace would pick up once I got out of town.  I had been told that the course was full of rolling hills but nothing big.  Well, that person must be crazy.. ha.  I felt like I was climbing the whole time except on the back side coming back in.… now that was FUN.  AND I now know exactly what they mean by false flats!!! You would see the places that looked like a long flat and think to yourself….. oh yes… finally a flat and then when you got on it, the long flat would seem like you were doing a slow long climb! FALSE FLAT! :>). 

When I came in at the half way point I heard a lady say it was like 1:40pm so I knew I had missed the 2:25pm cutoff and didn’t worry about making the overall cutoff.  BIG MISTAKE.  I started the 2nd loop feeling so much better than the 1st loop.  I was finally starting to get my grove back and my chest wasn’t hurting and feeling so heavy.  However, now it was really hot.  The sun was beaming.  A couple of rest stops were out of water and ice!!! They only had hot gatorade.  But at this point I drank it.   I was staying on top of my nutrition.  I ate every time my watch beeped and licked my base salt.  I kept telling myself you are going to do this!  I really started to push it after mile 100 to make that final cutoff, but i really wasn’t too worried about it until around 110 and I then remembered I had on an old timex on my other arm with the actual time of day on it and I glanced at it and realized I was really close.  I was so mad.  Why hadn’t I looked at that watch the whole time and paid attention!  Why was I smiling and enjoying the ride and not pushing to make the time limit!!!  I saw so many bikers on the side of the road laying in the shade waiting to be picked up.  I also saw like 5 ambulances picking people up.  As I passed several I shouted out is all ok and they would say that they were ok but they were done and waiting on someone to pick them up.  These people were not people that looked unfit!! Most were very fit looking and several young!!! I prayed for them and I thanked God that my body was still doing good and I was able to go on.  

I believe I rolled into the dismount line at 6:22pm and the rule was you had to be off bike at 6:10 and out of transition and on the run by 6:20pm!  I was devastated!!!  My family captured a picture of them taking my chip and the guy telling me I had missed the bike cutoff!  I asked him if I could go ahead and run since I still had slightly over 6 hours till my 16:30 final time to run the marathon and he said no.  He told me to go put my own bike up and get my stuff!  I didn’t know what to say!! I wanted my run shoes so I could go on.  Then I looked and my run gear bag was not laying in transition.  A lady had a pile of them throwing over the fence to another volunteer who was taking them to where our morning bags where at for us to pick up.  I couldn’t even get to my shoes!!!  I walked with my bike thinking to myself..  OMG… all the months…. all the training… and what the HELL!!! What was wrong with my bike pace?? Why was I so freaking SLOW!!!!!!!!! It all seemed like a dream.  I didn’t see my family but knew they were close and probably didn’t know what to say.  I went in the porta potty and tried to compose myself.  I didn’t want to cry in front of my family.  When I came out there were standing waiting asking what had happen.  I explained to them that I missed the cutoff.  They couldn’t believe it either.  I’ve NEVER biked that slow even on a BAD day!!!!  

So we went back to the hotel room.  I didn’t want to hang around the ironman area.  I wanted to go crawl in a hole.  All I could think about was the time I had spent training!!! the people tracking me that was probably wondering also what the HELL!  Again, I’m sorry for the language … I’m just still so mad at myself.  I let myself down!  I let my family down!!! I let others down!!! I took a shower and we all walked to get food.  I didn’t even dry my hair or put on makeup.  I didn’t give a cramp!  I was still just in shock.   I had a few glasses of wine hoping it would just knock me out so I would not think about the race.  

I ended up sleeping off and on only waking up wondering if I was still in a dream!!! I didn’t have to go get in line early to get my finisher jacket the next morning so Gary and I were on the road to PA by 6:30am.  I drove the first 3 hours which kept my mind off things because I was having to pay attention to the map.  Then Gary took over and the tears begin to flow.  I sat in the passenger seat and cried like a baby.  I couldn’t control it.  I know he thought I was crazy although, he kept telling me he was so proud of me.  I wasn’t!  I am pissed.  I let all that training go to waste by not focusing on my time limits!! I was too over confident!!! All I had worried about was the swim for months.  Never the bike.  I always thought if anything prevented me from finishing it would be cramps or something like that.  

So my take aways from my experience:

  1. You never know the weather…. train for all
  2. Pay attention to time limits!!!
  3. An Ironman is hard….. Just cause you can bike… don’t assume you’ll beat the time limit! Maybe bike more HILLS!!
  4. I should have got my shoes and ran on with them telling me I couldn’t …. I should have tried to see if I could have made the 16:30 time limit cause I’ll never know now and believe me… it will eat at you every day! 
  5. The volunteers are amazing!
  6. They don’t always open the dam up for a FAST swim.  My mom said they announced when the swimmers were coming in that the river flow was not what it use to be for the race.  The dam wasn’t opened early.  I also had 3 people tell me on the bike that it was their 3rd or 4th time to do Choo and it was their slowest swim time.  Not much current!  Someone posted the current and you can see it wasn’t high like usual for race day!
According to the TVA site, the current all morning was only about 8K, the lowest seen on race day

With this info I feel really good about my swim time.... but not the overall DNF!!They say fast bike….. well maybe to some.  It’s a lot of climbing.  I’m still a little scared going down hill so I often pump my brakes going down.  Maybe it would be faster to me if I didn’t, but when you’ve had a bike wreck that ended in multi fractures….well let’s just say you are a little more cautious.  :>) 

7.  I want to hear my name called at a full ironman so bad!!! but is it worth the registration fee just to prove something?????  I would do Florida in November to try, but the fee is $825!   I just can’t wrap my head around paying that right now just to prove I can do something.  At least when you register like a year in advance they give you the option to pay for the registration in monthly payments.   That way it don’t seem like so much dang money!  I’m just torn.  I don’t like wasting money.  Not that an ironman is a waste, but I have friends that are battling cancer and I just see so many other ways my money could be spent.  

8.  The people that finish an Ironman are AMAZING!!!! It’s not easy!! and I say that and I didn’t even get to go on the run.  I have a friend that missed the run cutoff.  My heart breaks for him.  WE all train hard for months and then so many don’t finish.

9.  The WORST PART … well right now …. is that I  have a big fat DNF by my name!!! I’ve never not finished anything!  This is really haunting me!!!! I do know that you can’t look at race results and truly know a person’s ability.  Every race is different!! It all depends on the weather, the course, and a person’s body that day!  I’ve done the St. Jude Marathon 6X and my times are all different.   We’ve had years with ice and snow and years with heat.  But even with me knowing all this…. it still stings really bad that I have a DNF!!!!!!! 

Info from the Ironman FB Page .... The exact DNF rate yesterday was 24.% With a 14.5% DNS. The DNF rate in 2016 was 25.4%. IM Chattanooga 2016 had the 2nd highest DNF rate in the history of the race. The first being Ironman Frankfurt in 2019 with a 26.3% DNF rate.

I’m glad Gary and I are in PA visiting his mom and I don’t have to see my friends up close.  I feel like I let them all down.  I will say I never knew how many people truly care about me!  I’ve had so many sweet private messages telling me how much they believe in me.  It’s all so sweet and I feel undeserving.  However, I LOVE you all!!!!! I don’t think I would make it without you all and God’s love.  I know that we don’t never know the reason for things.   Like my bike wreck that put me out and now my bike time….. but I do know that with God all things will workout.  As mad and as sad as I feel, I must have faith it will all be ok.  And I do believe it will.  Right now I’m just processing so many emotions and trying to get through one day at a time.  My dream was crushed.  

So many keep telling me to go find another one fast.  But I promised myself and my husband that I would take a break in 2020 from ironman.  I have the big Sur Marathon in April in California and the Yellowstone half in June.  I’m planning a runcation for both so that will cost me some money…. so NO money for ironman and No extra vacation days from work for ironman.  :>)

Aggravated…. Sad…. Mad….. Shocked…. 

Deleica..... but don't you worry... I won't give up... maybe one day....

My 2024 Recap

   A look back... 2024 Run Miles = 912.6 Bike Miles = 789.4 Swim Miles = 40.5 Total Miles = 1742.50 1/2 Marathon = 4 (Should of been 5 .. da...