Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Queen City Sprint TRI 8-7-21

So last minute, I signed up for a Sprint TRI! Call it peer pressure if you will...   Actually a couple months ago I was asked to be an Ambassador for race.  This use to be called Sunfish Sprint TRI.  The race was recently sold to the Queen City organization and they were asking people who had raced the event before to help them spread the word that the race would go on, but just under a new name.  One of my friend was helping organize the race so I couldn't turn him down and told him I'd help.  At this point, I really wasn't sure If I'd do the race myself.  I've been trying to focus on my running in preparation for the Chicago marathon coming up in October.  However, I've been trying to keep a good base in swimming and biking so I won't have to start from scratch next year to get ready for an Ironman.  

So at the last minute I decided what the heck.  It's only a Sprint... why not.  😁 I knew my neighbor, Dennis was going so I knew I wouldn't be all alone.  None of my regular TRI friends are racing right now.  It was another early morning of getting up at 4am on Saturday and driving to Meridian for the race.  The race takes place at Bonita lake.  It's a nice venue, but usually EXTREMELY HOT... especially the run around the lake at the end.  There have been years when I thought I was going to die it was so HOT.  I was so happy that the temp was not too bad.  It actually turned into a great race morning as far as the temp and humidity.  I was very happy about that!  

It has been so long since I raced a TRI that it almost felt like the first time when I walked into the transition area to set up.  I was thinking to myself... I hope I didn't forget something! πŸ˜€

Here's me and Dennis in transition... Lordy I need some makeup...and check out those bags under my eyes.. LOL 

I took a quick dip in the water to see how it felt.   Some years the water has been so hot it felt like you were in a hot tub!  This year the water actually felt good.  

Thanks to Renee, Dennis' wife for grabbing a few pictures of me. 😍

Soon the race started and we were lined up in number order to begin.  I was number 29 so I was starting up front! I was a tad nervous about this since I'm not a fast swimmer and usually I'm in the back.  I was worried about swimmers running into me or swimming over me!  I stayed way to the outside and no one ever touched me.  😍  I swam nice and easy focusing on long strokes.  I really thought I'd have a fairly decent time.  However, when I got out and looked down at my watch and it said 17:47 my head just hung low.  I was like that was terrible!  That's probably also the reason I pushed the wrong button on my watch and didn't realize it.  I ran on in and said to myself, just get on the bike and go.  Here are a couple pictures of me leaving out on the bike that Renee got.

As soon as I was on the bike just a couple of minutes, my watched beeped.  I was like what the heck.  But I didn't take time to look at my watch because if you've ever done the race, you know there are HILLS!  I knew I needed to stay focused and just ride.  I had not put my bike computer on my bike so I had no idea how fast I was going, but I felt good.  My watch kept beeping every 2-3 minutes it seemed.  I just ignored it and it and kept on riding. 

When I came in from the ride and dismounted from the bike, I looked at my watch to see why it had been beeping constantly.  Guess what???  It was still on SWIM!! Take a look...

So I swam like 16 miles!!  πŸ˜±πŸ˜•

I quickly tried to get my watch back to the right place by pressing lap a couple of times and finally it was on the run segment. So I took off on the run.   Here's a picture Renee snapped of me coming in from the run.  I don't really like the picture too much because it looks like my legs are total jelly fat flopping..  But you know what... I'm 55 years old and still out there... so embrace those wrinkles... I've earned them.  πŸ˜„

I went to the timing tent after everyone was finished because they had a machine that was printing everyone's time from their timing system and I wanted to get my times since I screwed up my watch.  Here is what I got:

The bike was 17 miles and I did it in 58 minutes so I did have a good bike time..... with me not training on hills recently... πŸ˜€ And I finished in under 2 hours.  Not a PR for me, but I had hoped to get around 2 hours or less on my time.  πŸ’ͺ

I also ran into my cousin Pam at the race.  I had no idea she would be there.  She had been battling asthma that is brought on by exercise.. I can't think of the name of it.  Anyway, she had been struggling with her breathing and not racing.  Well, she's BACK!  She had a great race! 😍

Here is our cool medal.  1/3 Swim, 17 miles bike and 5K run to complete the Sprint TRI.

I could tell that I had not been racing.  Or should I say I had not been doing back to back activities.  But overall, I felt good after the race.  I was glad I went ahead and did it.  I'm always so nervous in an open water swim.  This was only 1/3 mile and even though I've done 2.4 miles in open water, I was still so nervous.  I kept telling myself... "Let your faith be stronger than your fear".   Plus I had so  many friends that had texted me that morning saying they were praying for me. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—   Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 4:13, Ezra 10:4, Hebrews 12:1

Sunday morning I got up early again and met Penny at 6am to run 16 miles.   She kept telling me she couldn't believe I was doing a long run following a race and not complaining... ha   We ran nice and easy.  It was a great morning and we saw some friends.. but the best part was my Gatorade I stopped and got on like mile 13.   The dew point has been terrible lately.  Literally by mile 7 I am squishing in my shoes with sweat!  Summer time training in South Mississippi is TOUGH!

Hope to see you out there!  It's 7 weeks to the Chicago marathon for me & Penny. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’“

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