Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What kind of day are you having?

Some days you need prayers, some you need promises and others you need praises. Do you know what I mean?  When I'm having a hard day, I tend to go to the bathroom at work cause that is the only place I can get alone where it's quiet to say a prayer. I often ask God for patience. I have no idea why I do this because I know he's just going to give me more trials. Ha. I should ask for guidance on whatever I'm dealing with at the moment. Do you pray? I started something over a year ago where every morning I do a devotion before reading my emails, Facebook or checking my cell phone. I can truly tell a difference in how I feel each day. Some mornings I'm so eager to speak to God that before I roll out of bed, I say a quick prayer asking God to guide me as my feet hit the floor.  I can't put it into words exactly, but I have a sense of peace so much more than I have ever had in my life. πŸ˜„❤️
Well, I hope you take time to pray each day. If not set a goal to start praying. I promise you that you'll feel so much better. Have a blessed day!

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